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I know what ‘I DON’T want.’
- NAME THEM. Get specific.
- What is it that you don’t want …
- I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to be broke.
- I don’t want to …
What are the BELIEFS beneath what you don’t want? (Have men name them, get them involved)
- RE: I don’t want to be broke — I believe that there isn’t enough.
- RE: I don’t want to be alone — I believe that relationship is hard.
- Begin to interrogate your beliefs and dig in for the unconscious beliefs that keep you looking for (and FINDING) evidence for the reality that you now inhabit.
Am I willing to say YES to what IS – to stop being in denial of reality.
- How do I create the space for ALL the reality and to examine it honestly and move from being a victim of circumstances to a creator of my reality.
- How Can I explore (mission and emotional intelligence) the resistance to the current reality that I have created for myself in my world…
Am I open to receiving something NEW? I don’t DESERVE. I’m not WORTHY of receiving.
- I am willing to let go of the belief that I don’t deserve to have what I actually want.
- Before being READY to get what we think we want … How can we accept what is.
What do I WANT to create? GET SPECIFIC AGAIN. Envision what you WANT from this place!
- from CHOSEN beliefs and CHOSEN intentions lay out what is is that you want to say YES to in your life.
- THEN take intentional measurable ACTION to create the vision you’re holding
- Being in a men’s community can be an incredible practice space for creating reality.