ManKind Project Declaration on Mental Health

The ManKind Project, its affiliated trainings, and any men’s group associated with it do not constitute professional mental health care nor are a substitute for it.

These trainings and groups are for the purpose of self-exploration and peer-support, and are presented, facilitated, and attended by men ranging in ability to support others in need, and who in most cases do not hold credentials in the helping professions.

No one should ever forego or suspend active pursuit of treatment for conditions such as addictions, depression, relationship issues, or any other condition in order to participate in an MKP activity. Just as it would be unreasonable for a diabetic to seek a men’s group to replace medication and diet, it is inappropriate and potentially dangerous for individuals needing mental health care to attend a men’s group in lieu of professional treatment.

Be sure to inform your primary health care provider and specialized professional (ie, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or other credentialed therapist) about your participation in these groups and workshops. If your therapist would like more information about MKP, he or she can get touch with the MKP Mental Health Resource Team (MHRT) by emailing

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