The Beginning
  • 1984 Our Origins – Around the Kitchen Table

    Bill Kauth, Ron Hering, and Rich Tosi gather to plan a mens initiation weekend. In this video, hear Rich Tosi tell part of the story of the early days of the New Warrior Training Adventure.

  • 1984 Understanding Yourself and Others

    The three MKP cofounders Bill Kauth, Rich Tosi and Ron Hering participate in Patricia Clason’s UYO training.

  • 1984 Feminist Therapists Conference

    Kauth is hit by a lightning bolt of inspiration to do something ‘for the men,’ having been inspired by what he saw among the empowered women in the therapeutic community.

  • 1984 Men, Sex and Power

    MKP cofounders, Bill Kauth, Rich Tosi and Ron Hering, travel to take the Justin Sterling training.

  • 1985 Wildman Weekend

    An article in the Milwaukee Journal reports on the Wildman Weekend showing the participants. See the Full Article Images FRONT PAGE, SECOND PAGE.

  • 1985 Haimowoods

    The PIT at Haimowoods, site of the first NWTA

  • 1987 Chicago Holds First NWTA

    After five Wildman weekends were held in Wisconsin the first NWTA in Chicago. 

  • 1989 Mission Statement

    Kauth, Hering, Tosi, Greenwald, Lindgren and Kaar write the MKP Mission Statement “Empowering men to missions of service.”

  • 1990 Leader Track

    The first leader trainings are created.

  • 1990 Iron John

    Iron John by Robert Bly is published.

  • 1991 New USA Centers

    Minneapolis – 11/90 by Kaar
    San Diego – 02/91 by Anderson

  • 1991 IRDC

    The IRDC or Inner Resource Development Corporation is formed. 

  • 1991 King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

    ‘King, Warrior, Magician, Lover’ published (David Kaar on KWML, “We knew the territory, we had been working it, KWML gave us amp.)

  • 1991 Esquire Magazine

    Esquire Magazine prints ‘Expose’ on the Men’s Movement.

  • 1992 New Warrior Network

    New Warrior Network created as non profit by a name change from the existing Inner Resource Development Corporation. First IRS determination of 501(c)(3) status.

  • 1992 New USA Centers

    Houston – 01/92 by Grant, Hopwood
    Memphis – 04/92
    Rochester – 05/92 by Coulombe
    Indianapolis – 06/92 by Langford, Bird, Wolfred
    Washington DC – 07/92 by Kopolow, Underwood
    Louisville by Herink, Oser

  • 1992 Phil Donahue Show

    The ManKind Project featured on a Two Part Phil Donahue Show.

  • 1993 Leader Certification

    Greenwald and Kauth create Leader Certification Process at Camp Anokilig.

  • 1994 New USA Centers

    Northwest, originally, Portland – 03/94
    Arizona – 03/94
    Philadelphia  – 11/94 by Locatell, Fell, Levitt

  • 1994 Elder Constituency

    Creation of the Elder Constituency by Alan Gilberg and Richard Wiener.

  • 1994 LKS

    Creation of the Lodge Keepers Society or LKS by Curtis Mitchell.

  • 1995 New USA Centers

    Santa Fe – 01/95
    London, UK – 01/95
    Central Plains, originally Sioux City – 04/95
    New York City – 05/95
    Canada West – 05/95

  • 1995 London

    The first NWTA outside North America in London.

  • 1997 Chairman

    The founding President Merkin is becomes first Chairman of MKP.

  • 1998 The ManKind Project

    The New Warrior Network becomes the ManKind Project.

  • 1999 Multicultural Awareness

    The importance of multicultural awareness comes into the ManKind Project through the work of Thomas Griggs, Rick Broniec, Kai Sorensen, Robert Powell and others.Thomas Griggs names two MKP cultures: CNP (Corporate Non-Profit) and CVA (Charismatic Voluntary Association) 


  • 2001 GBTQ Weekend

    First GBTQ Gateway weekend developed.

  • 2001 Global Outreach

    Marking the Development of Global Centers:
    Canada West – 02/01
    Montreal – 07/01

  • 2002 Global Outreach

    South Africa – 07/02

  • 2003 Global Outreach

    German-speaking – 02/03
    Australia – 02/03
    Francophone  – 2003

  • 2005-7 New USA Centers

    New USA Centers:
    New Orleans
    North Texas (Dallas)
    Central Texas (Austin)
    New Jersey
    Santa Barbara

  • 2006 New Warrior Training Adventure – “Free Spirit” South Africa Broadcast Company

    A program segment from South Africa Broadcast Company in the mid-2000s.

  • 2007 Houston Press

    The Houston Press publishes article on the death of Michael Scinto. 

  • 2008 Downturn

    Downturn inside and outside the Project and a Global recession.

  • 2009 The Stanford Study

    The Stanford Alumni Consulting Team Study #1 delivered at Glen Ivy.

  • 2010 CNP & CVA

    Bruce Maxwell calls the CNP and CVA groups the Expansionist and Preservationist, respectively.

  • 2010 ManKind Project 25th Anniversary

    The ManKind Project celebrates its 25th Anniversary in Louisville, KY. In this video, Curtis Mitchell, founder of the LKS, and past ManKind Project Chairman accepts the Founders Circle of Honor Award.

  • 2010 The Stanford Study 2

    Stanford Alumni Consulting Team Study #2 delivered at Glen Ivy.


  • 2010 Stand on Abuse

    Stand on Abuse Adopted by the ManKind Project International Council.

  • 2010 Mission-Vision-Values

    MKP Adopts new Mission / Vision / Values

    Our Mission MKP USA creates a world where men act on their individual and shared responsibility for the future of humanity by initiating and supporting men on a path of emotional maturity, spiritual awareness and deepening community.

    Our vision is a safe world where all men are brothers, in relationship with one another… a world where conflicts are resolved peacefully; where torture, genocide, domestic violence and senseless war are only entries in the history books… where men are fully accountable and take responsibility for their decisions… where men stand tall and proud to be men, secure in their role and deeply committed to nurturing one another, their families, their communities and their planet.

  • 2010 Global Regions Launched

    United Kingdom & Ireland
    Germany & Austria
    – South Africa
    – Johannesburg
    – Cape Town
    – Sydney
    – Queensland
    New Zealand

  • 2010 Psychologies Magazine

    MKP featured in French Psychologies Magazine in May.

  • 2011 New Logo

    The new ManKind Project logo is adopted.

  • 2012 MKP Connect

    The internal website MKPConnect for MKP content and warrior brothers is launched.

  • 2013 Wentworth Miller

    Wentworth Miller Award acceptance speech for Human Rights Campaign.

  • 2013 MKP USA Begins Unification

    MKP began uniting communities into larger areas for according to the Stanford Study recommendations.
    South Central Area – Texas & Louisiana
    New Jersey
    Santa Barbara

  • 2013 CBS Sunday Morning

    March 2013 ManKind Project men featured on CBS Sunday Morning “Friendship: Close ties that Enhance, Extend Life” 

  • 2013 Enrollment UP!

    First USA increase in enrollment in 6 years.

  • 2013 MKP Switzerland

    MKP Switzerland Launches

  • 2014 Holocracy

    Board Study of Integral Theory and Holacracy.

  • 2014 Global Brotherhood

    MKPI announces Global Brotherhood.

  • 2015 Facebook

    ManKind Project Facebook Page reaches 1,000,000 fans!

  • 2016 Today Show

    MKP men featured on the TODAY Show with Maria Shriver talking about ‘The Male Brain’ 

  • 2016 Global Outreach

    MKP Nordic Region Launches
    MKP Belgium Launches


  • 2017 MKP Mexico

    Mexico holds its first NWTA. MKP Mexico region launches in 2018.



  • 2017 MKP India

    First NWTA held in Pune India

  • 2018 MKP Israel

    First ever Israel NWTA held.

  • 2018 Buzzfeed

    The ManKind Project featured on the Netflix production “Follow This” by Buzzfeed


  • 2018 NY Times

    The  ManKind Project is featured in a December edition of The New York Times “These Men Are Waiting to Share Some Feelings with You” 

  • 2019 MKP USA Unification

    MKP USA completes unification bringing over 30 separate non-profits into a single organization with 23 Areas and over 120 chartered Communities.

  • 2019 Media Audience

    The ManKind Project reaches a media audience of over 1 billion people around the world.

  • 35th Logo

    2020 35 Years of MKP

    The Mankind Project Celebrates 35 Years of Saving the World One Man at a Time.

Today and Beyond

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