Ron Hering Award – 2010

William (Bill) McMillan
Compassionate Couger
Northwest, USA
”I create connection and community through compassion and service.”
We particularly honor Bill for his outstanding inspiration in creating, sustaining and holding the Welcome Home Project for veterans in collaboration with his wife Kim Shelton. . Bill is also a leader in Boys to Men Southern Oregon from its inception.

Steve Jahncke
Courageous Buffalo
New Orleans, USA
”I create a world of love and acceptance by, first, loving and accepting myself and others. By sharing my story of childhood sexual abuse and sexual addiction, I help other men talk about their wounds, thus, creating healing.”
Steve has worked locally and nationally with men who were sexually abused as children. Just recently, he has begun to speak out publicly about his own childhood sexual abuse and his recovery.

Stephen Balkam
Armadillo with Wings
Greater Washington, DC Community, USA
“I create an enlightened world through love, passion, service and fun. ”
Stephen leads an international effort to make the online world safer for kids and their families. He convenes and facilitates the top online safety experts in government, industry and the NGO sectors.

Rolf Jehring
Wakeful Buzzard
Germany (Deutschland)
”I am creating a world full of love to be regardful with others and myself.”
Along with his wife Catharina, Rolf has set up a Seminar Retreat called Square of Peace. The site dedicated to hold seminars, spiritual retreats as well as cultural and political events by people committed to create forms of sustainable living.

Robert Schauerhamer
King Cheetah
Minnesota, USA
”My mission is to create peace by embracing change and diversity.”
Bob has served many years at the Twin Cities Men’s Center holding jobs as Board Member, Board Chair and Executive Director, created a support group for healthy sexually boundaries, done outreach work in prisons and participated and facilitated Transition support groups. Bob has also been a volunteer at the Community Emergency Assistance Program for the past eight.

Richard Bell
Trusting Bear Climbing to the Sun
Colorado, USA
“To create opportunities for people to heal themselves; and to model acceptance, understanding, compassion and forgiveness to all.”
Richard is Director of St. Joseph’s Veterans Home, a residential program for homeless veterans. Richard’s program is designed to help these men achieve a stable income, save money and find permanent housing.

Raymond Desaulniers
Est. Canada East
“I create a nurturing, inclusive and warmth world by touching the entrepreneur’s heart and by creating, with them, the business oftheir dream.”
Business Coach for the past ten years, Raymond contributed to create over 500 jobs. Over the past 30 years, he has been [involved] in many charitable works.

Pedro Angel Serrano
New Jersey, USA
”To be of service to the young.”
Pedro volunteers as a radio host and producer on several radio programs serving the Gay community in central NJ and metropolitan New York City. He offers hospitality to any man in need of a place to crash.

Mike McIntyre
Los Angeles, USA
”I co-create loving communities by listening, teaching, and blessing.”
Mike volunteers with the American Red Cross providing relief to victims of local and national disasters, training new volunteers, teaching first-aid classes and participating in their Service to Armed Forces program which sends Servicemen off to combat and welcomes them home upon their return.

Michael Malone
Spirit Panther
Florida, USA
”My creative arts – music, writing & clear voice – invite a more soulful, authentic world.”
As writer and publications editor for The Children’s Trust, Michael’s stories serve to uplift the many heroes who work daily in the “trenches” to better the lives of children and families. He serves as a youth group advisor and member of the Children’s Trust T-Team. He is also the author of two young adult books on refugee children & dozens of magazine articles, both in English & in Spanish.

Michael Fallon
Diving Otter
Upstate New York, USA
”Bring miraculous changes of perception to everyone, including teens, by living loves confusing joy.”
After attending several out of town Boys To Men (BTM) trainings bringing local boys to be initiated, Fallon pulled together a team of men to host the first ROPA in NY in 2007. Later that year, the team hosted the first BTM Multicultural Training. A year later the BTM-UNY team hosted the first Raven Adventure for 9-12 yr olds. Currently, Fallon’s team runs year long gatherings for boys and mentors to assure that no boys feel left alone.

Luis Bautista
Medicine Dog
Houston, South Central Area, USA
”My mission is to heal, model and support people in creating a good and meaningful life.”
Luis is a Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor and Healer. He was mentored by Medicine People, a Yaqui Shaman and also studied 12 years with his Japanese Master. His best teacher is life itself.

Jean-Maurice Mauret
Centaure couillu d’ors
Centaur with golden balls
”I create a world of peace and harmony, looking for beauty in the heart of man and supporting it.”
An enthusiast in Non-violent Communication and Mediation, Jean- Maurice taught those skills in his school and after retirement in prisons in Senegal. In spring 2010, he spent three months in the West Bank with Ecumenical Accompagniement Program Palestine- Israel (EAPPI) working for peace.

Jabu Mashinini
Free Rhino
South Africa
”I create a world of abundance and responsibility through creating bridges and opportunities for myself and others.”
Jabu offers 65% of his working life to unpaid community work. Jabu has been instrumental in the international success of Phaphama Initiatives, bringing [for example] the “Alternatives to Violence Project ” (AVP) to thousands of people around the world.

Henry Pickens
Bold Eagle
Kentucky, USA
”My mission is to use my gifts of music and communication to inspire, educate and empower all whose lives I touch.”
Harry says, “… it’s part of everything I do — musical performances, master classes, residencies in schools, service work, my teaching @ University of Louisville and other teaching/coaching.”

Harry Asher
Grateful Grandfather Wolf Bear
St. Louis, USA
”I create a world of unconditionally loving people by coaching, mentoring and loving in a sacred way.”
Harry was honored for his unwavering support of bringing men to the work that we do. Through this work, Harry brings his mission of service to the reality that the work we do creates better people.

Harold Magnum
Playful Loving Bull
San Diego, USA
”I create a world of Healthy Relationships through honesty, integrity and loving myself.”
Harold Magnum’s mission incorporates the fundamental principals of honesty, integrity and self-love as the pathway to creating healthy relationships. Magnum has made the connection between individual personal, physical health and the social health that can exist between two people, and within entire societies. Harold is a firefighter and is also passionate about community involvement. He co-chaired the community “Graffiti Paint Out” in July, 2009.

Frederick Marx
Buddha Lion
Northern California, USA
”I create a world living in truth, without despair, by fiercely loving myself and all beings.”
Frederick Marx is an internationally acclaimed, Oscar and Emmy nominated producer/director with 25 years in the film business and an amazing variety of work including HOOP DREAMS, HIGHER GOALS, and BOYS TO MEN. As he says – “Bearing witness, creating change“ – his is a voice strong and clear, and profoundly human.

David Mueller
Fierce Panther
Philadelphia, USA
”I create a world of joy by serving others and maintaining balance in my own life.”
Dave Mueller has worked with children and families for over 26 years. In 2009-2010, he led a year-long Rite of Passage Program for Boys. He co-facilitated several Father-Daughter Weekends for the Philadelphia Community. At the Westfield Y in NJ, he established one of the first Family Life Departments in the country where he and his team created activities for families to do together. He presently works for Alternatives, Inc., an agency that serves adults with disabilities.

Dan Hartley
Heroic Hare
United Kingdom
”I co-create a loving world where elder wisdom is valued, Mother Earth honoured and our young empowered to realise their dreams.”
Dan lives in Brighton, UK with his wife and daughter. He has worked with disaffected youth since 2001. Dan joined A Band of Brothers in 2008. This charity undertakes contemporary rites of passage work with young men, bringing the integrity and ethos of MKP to the heart of the communities where it’s most needed.

Curtis Lacy
Screaming Eagle
Windsor/Detroit, Canada/USA
”I create a world of love by acting with awareness, aware of my actions.”
Carl is a loving and admirable man, very involved with the MKP community, Spirituality, and Service. Carl is living his mission of loving awareness by initiating at least 3 service projects in the North Texas Community.

Christopher Frisco
Iron Horse with Dancing Turtle
Greater Carolinas, USA
“Co-Creating a world of harmony and abundance by nurturing, mentoring, and modeling authenticity and powerful vulnerability.”
As director of Journeymen, Chris has motivated men in his local community and beyond to step into their gold and become a mentor to a boy. He has led men and boys through the Rites Of Passage Adventure in his home community of Asheville and in numerous communities around the country.

Chris Martenson
Gliding Eagle
New England, USA
”Fully use my gifts to illuminate the future and create a world worth inheriting.”
Chris is an economic researcher and futurist who speaks to international audiences on the intersection of the economy, energy and environment. He runs the popular website and is the author of the Crash Course video series and book.

Charlie Prochelo
Old Buffalo
Central Plains, USA
“I share my experience, strength and hope to bring others serenity and sobriety.”
Charlie is active in the Boys to Men organization and with his wife Eileen is also active in the recovery community. He started , with other Warrior brothers, a weekly Conflict Resolution program for the adolescent boys and girls at the Jackson Recovery Center. He and his wife volunteer as mentors for several of these teenage boys and girls at the Center and co-chair the Adolescent Center Auxiliary for Jackson Recovery Center. He helped organize and open Oxford Houses Sober Residences for men and women.

Carl Crow
Earth Brown Bear
North Texas, USA
”I create a world of love by acting with awareness, aware of my actions.”
Carl is a loving and admirable man, very involved with the MKP community, Spirituality, and Service. Carl is living his mission of loving awareness by initiating at least 3 service projects in the North Texas Community.

Bill Lauer
Mountain Lion
Wisconsin, USA
“I Build Bridges between Diverse Groups of Men.”
Bill does the multi-cultural work that many only talk about. He has lead many projects activities and weekends that focus on Prisoners Drug Addicts, Sexual Abuse Survivors and Veterans.

Bjorn Ratjen
Father Bear
British Columbia, Canada
”I sustain a world of harmony by being in tune.”
Bjorn has been involved in community for many years – including volunteering with Amnesty International, the local fire department and as a trauma counselor when unfortunate events have occurred such as flood or a crime scenario.

Alan Clammer
Grandfather Leopard
Santa Barbara, USA
”I bring more integrity into the world by modeling accountability, mentoring the uninitiated and honoring a “second chance” concept in supporting my fellow man.”
Alan purchased a town home complex in Atlanta, Georgia which now houses up to 375 formerly incarcerated men (and soon opening to women) for a 3 month -plus program preparing them to successfully re- enter society, thus reducing recidivism from nearly 60% to 20%. He also produced An Evening With Robert Bly in 2009.