2015 Ron Hering Award Recipients
Daniel Wirth
Fierce Dog with Eagleman
Indiana USA
“I create a joyous community through leadership, teaching and honest dialog.”
Daniel has worked most of his adult life promoting and implementing humanitarian projects from working with troubled youth to HIV/AIDS prevention, to disaster relief. Daniel has worked with troubled teens in the US and as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic. He worked in HIV/AIDS prevention programs throughout Latin America and in Western Africa. Currently he is serving as Regional Direct Services Support Manager with the American Red Cross.
James Wapotich
Golden Eagle
Santa Barbara USA
“I create a world of expanding wholeness by letting love flow through me.”
James’ work is special because of his relationship to the wilderness, and his connection with core values: a deep mindful Nature Connection, and the Magical, Natural, Material World. He is a volunteer wilderness ranger with Los Padres National Forest, and is the author of a local hiking column, “Trail Quest”. He teaches backpacking and trails workshops and regularly hosts free slideshow presentations.
Hugh M. Spalding Jr.
Generous Squirrel
Kentucky USA
“I Create Heaven on Earth through loving service.”
Hugh has volunteered thousands of hours in his local community and has facilitated many individuals to join him in his efforts. He has been an active member of the Unity of Louisville Men’s Group for 18 years and participated in many service projects, such as Operation Brightside (picking up litter), and Project WARM (winterizing low income housing). He has been a surveyor on the annual Street Count for homeless individuals in Louisville for the past 4 years. He is retired from the State of Kentucky after 27 1/2 years of service and currently volunteers his service weekly as the coordinator at the Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center.
Mike Snider
Powerful Tiger
St. Louis USA
“I create a world of self-awareness, self-understanding and self-acceptance by working to understand and accept the truth of who I am and challenging others to do the same.”
Mike set up a nonprofit organization to raise money to take Vietnam Vets back to Vietnam for a Healing Journey. The Foundation is up and running, and includes members of social services, medical consultants, donors, and other Vets. Mike made a trip to Vietnam in December to pave the way and chart the course.
Stergios Skatharoudis
Red Tail Hawk
Upstate New York USA
“To lead & live a life which raises the spiritual consciousness of humanity by thinking and behaving in ways that exemplify faith, compassion, courage, and loyalty. As a man among men I serve the light.”
Empowering the poor and homeless through advocacy in social and political areas, through being present, offering alternative housing, one-to-one counseling, and job skills training to homeless people in the Greater Rochester area. 54 years old, recently graduated with dual degree: MSW and MA in theology from Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern seminary. Currently in an I-Group, and passionate about homelessness, social justice, and poverty issues.
Jason Schroeder
White Fox
United Kingdom & Ireland
“As a man amongst men I heal my wounds and let them go. I create a world in every moment of freedom by being present in my open loving heart consciousness”
Jason is living his mission through action in the world by creating the Scottish Men’s Shed Association Charity in 2014. He also works for a third sector charity as a full time development worker supporting local men to create Men’s Sheds in Aberdeenshire. He is also part of the charity for the first Men’s Shed in Scotland which is mainly for pre and retired men. He has worked tirelessly in the last few years getting the Scottish men’s sheds up and running in Scotland, there are several running in communities in NE Scotland and more in the process of getting going. The official launch happened on 23rd November, 2015 in Glasgow.
Carl Schaub
Lion – speaks softly with great voice
Florida USA
“I create a world of safety and opportunity for myself and my daughter by enthusiastically embracing the changes in my life and by sharing the beauty of the world of the intellectually disadvantaged with all.”
Carl became a first-time, single father to a child with multiple disabilities at age 50; changed career paths from business to Special Ed teaching and devoted his life to his daughter’s development. He relocated to a community ideal for Down Syndrome services and underwent an aggressive immersion and work in the Down Syndrome community to further their journeys while sharing their beauty with the world.
Brian Renard
Playful Lion
New England USA
“To teach men to love and not be afraid to show their feelings.”
“I create a loving world by opening my heart, being authentic and being of service.”
Brian had a personal history in an abusive relationship, and in evaluating his mission he had a vision of coordinating a march to draw attention to the need to end domestic and sexual violence. Early in his adult life he had worked with Independence House, whose mission is to promote safe and healthy relationships. Brian inspired his Bravehearts IGroup to help organize and coordinate this “No More Men’s March” as both a peace march and a fund-raiser for Independence House. Brian’s vision came to fruition on May 31, 2015 in the streets of Hyannis, Ma. Over 100 people marched with New England MKP men and Independence House to share their message to end violence. Several prominent speakers spoke at the post march rally. Brian’s vision has now become a national MKP USA focus for Community mission service. The 2016 Men’s March is already planned – join Brian there!
David Piazza
Chestnut Mare with Tiger on Back
San Diego USA
“I create a world of transformation by having the courage to stand in my truth.”
David’s life has been characterized by transformation. As a young teenager David helped his friends transform their lives in order to be happy and successful. Transformation has become his mission. He has had a 30 year career working with nonprofits around the country helping them to become healthy well-managed organizations. David says it is all about mission, helping nonprofits to attract the donors and funding they need to help the people they serve. David is dedicated to his ongoing transformation in order to be of greater service to the community.
Anonymous Man
Man Among Men
Central Great Lakes USA
“I create a world of subtle harmony by quietly doing my work.”
This award is for the Anonymous Man, the man who acts because it is his mission to act. The man who, when tapped on the shoulder and offered thanks, says “Thanks to you for allowing me to help you because it brings me closer to my true mission; it helps me to chase away demons that haunt me, it allows me to look inwardly and see who I really am.”

Caleb Milliken
Keeper of Precious Things
Hawaii USA
“To create a world full of Wonder by inspiring others with my joy and passion.”
For leadership in bringing Boys 2 Men to Hawaii and for being instrumental in developing the early outreach programs to garner interest in the Community and in support of the work. Caleb is currently the Executive Director of B2M Hawaii and LIT in MKP.
Patrick Mathieu
Canada East
“I create a world of choice and passion by living my life with choice and passion – everyday!”
Patrick helps people choose and live the lives they want. Currently he trains and certifies people as life coaches, and produce a weekly podcast called “Choose The Life You Want.” The vision he’s working towards is to have a nonprofit company that provides a 24/7 service where men can speak to other men who are trained volunteers. The service will be bilingual and available by phone, text and online chat. It is currently in the very early stages, but Patrick is very excited about making it a reality.
Jan Lütgen
sanftmütiger kraftvoller Elefant
Jan is a retired corrections officer who has been part of MKP since 2011. He has labored tirelessly connecting men to men’s work. He has faced violence in the workplace, and now spends his time helping men connect with each other within the MKP community. As our Office Admin, he’s paid for 10 hours a week but he does more than 30. If a man calls he takes the time needed to support the man.
Atiba Kwesi
Gentle Moose
Philadelphia USA
“Create a world of Peace and Joy through Love and Patience!!!”
Gentle Moose, a Warrior for Justice and Peace, an Ambassador for the Spirit of Harmonious Cooperation, Kofi Atiba Kwesi. He is Co-founder and former Executive Director of ‘And Justice For All’ (AJFA), a human rights advocacy organization, that educates prisoners and their families about legal and reentry issues and, when feasible, takes direct action on their behalf. Under his leadership, AJFA conducted Rites of Passage education for youth. Kwesi holds a leadership position with Reconstruction, Inc., a time-honored [27 years old] nationally recognized organization that provides a structured model for building community cohesion and healing.
Collin Irish
King Black Crow
Colorado USA
“I create a world in which every boy can face his journey to manhood with a group of mentors that have his back. To do this, I show up, without fail. I lead without prejudice, and I listen without judgment.”
In 2003, shortly after completing NWTA, Collin Irish co-founded the Denver non-profit, Threshold Passages Inc. (TPI). Since then, he has staffed 12 initiation weekends for teenage boys. Collin has a passion for mentoring young men. Collin serves on the Board of Trustees as Program Manager for TPI. He recently strengthened ties with the Boys to Men Mentoring Network, by being elected to serve on the BTM-USA Board of Directors as chair of the Governance Committee. He brought the BTM school-based mentoring program to Colorado by introducing his pilot program into a Denver area middle school.
Steve Schauer
Eagle that Soars
Metro NY Tri State USA
“I create a world of Healing, Love, Safety and Empowerment by acknowledging that we are all one with Source.”
Steve has worked tirelessly to build elders into strong vibrant community in Metro NY Tri-State.
David Hamlow
Velveteen Rabbit with Burning Heart
USA • New Mexico
“I create a world of hope and abundance by showing up, being authentic, working hard, and risking failure.”
David has been of service primarily in his efforts to grow, connect, and support the MKP tribe in his home community of Albuquerque. He sees the potential for the impact of a world of men living in service to mission, and feels that the first order of business is in creating supportive circles for men and a community to foster and steward this growth. He hopes that it lays the groundwork for greater impacts outside of MKP circles. David is a devoted father and husband and sees the years of his life since initiation as an opportunity to finally participate, engage, and create meaningful impact in the world around him.
Thomas Griggs, PhD.
Osprey Flying With Mountain Goat
Greater Carolinas USA
“I am a Channel for Infinite Compassion and Wisdom to Empower Others to Fulfill Their Deepest Dreams of a Just and Peaceful World.”
Professionally, Thomas Griggs is a management consultant, focused on nonprofit organizational leadership and multi-cultural trainings. Thomas has gifted countless hours to co-create an ongoing series of gender reconciliation circles with his partner Pana Columbus and others. The gatherings are focused on personal growth and community building through the vehicle of gender reconciliation. The events are designed to identify, honor and heal wounds between the feminine and masculine caused by our shared cultural legacy of male domination, rape culture, binary gender bias, and gender oppression that are deeply harmful to all people: men, women and walk-betweens.
Chris Framarin
Daddy Duck
Alberta Canada
“I create a world of play by welcoming the hidden beauty in people.”
Chris Framarin is nominated for his ongoing support of youth through coaching hockey. Chris’s style of coaching is well recognized amongst the parents. He encourages the uniqueness in every child. Practices are hard work but the kids have big smiles on those red sweat drenched faces. I think he imparts his belief that the kids are what is important. The kids love it and most of the parents as well. He has also been repeatedly recognized by students and faculty as an outstanding Philosophy teacher at the University of Calgary.
Robert Feagan
Noble Junkyard Dog
Toronto Canada
“I create a world of passion, clarity and direction by knowing who I am and where I am going.”
Robert Feagans a Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Much of his life is about community sustainability, working to develop more appropriate ways to live in the world. Living his mission through action, individually as well as creating community to better the planet. Raising consensus and consciousness around what we can do… no obstacles that can’t be overcome. He loves to build and garden. He has two sons (Max-19, Seamus-21) and lives with his partner Irena Zenewych.
Anthony Dumas
Rhino in the Ruff
Los Angeles USA
“I bring healing to this world bearing my soul with vulnerability standing righteous and valiant.”
Anthony Dumas has been an active volunteer for Special Olympics and has served at both the Southern California 2014 Summer Invitational Games and at the 2015 Special Olympics World Games. As Anthony said, “To witness the athletes perform — winning or losing didn’t matter — just simply being there and having the moment to shine was to witness the full glory of the human spirit at its best.” He’s a former pro boxer, Golden Gloves winner and holder of the Continental Americas Middle-Heavyweight Title.
Dallas Chief Eagle
Cangleska Luta
(Red Spotted Hoop)
Central Plains USA
“I feed my spirit and recognize and unite all the spirits around me.”
Dallas has been doing Hoop Dancing for many years. First, he started with his father, Dallas Chief Eagle, Sr. Later, with his son, Dallas, Jr. And now, he continues to hoop dance with his daughters, Star and Cina. He goes to schools, communities and city councils to share and speak about the HOOP OF LIFE. He also has been going into the Sioux Falls prison to meet with the natives. Dallas and his wife, Becky, have started a healing center “All Nations Training Center,” to bring healing to the men, women and children of Pine Ridge. They have held several trainings and weekend workshops for all ages to bring understanding and healing with the people. The training center is at the heart of the MKP USA Tatanka Alliance with the Pine Ridge Indigenous Men’s and Women’s Oyate.
Paul DeMeritt
Caring Lion, Lover Of The Sacred Space
Northern California USA
“I create a world of love, acceptance and forgiveness by loving, accepting and forgiving others and by encouraging others to do so!”
A teacher for over 35 years, Paul completed his NWTA in November of 2006; upon his return from his weekend, he began holding and facilitating co-ed Circles for his classes at the high school where he teaches. That work soon evolved into weekly or bi-weekly “Guy’s Circles” now running for almost 8 years. In addition, as a Theatre instructor and director, Paul uses MKP principals in his teaching and directing with powerful results; actors drop more deeply and fully into characters, learn safer techniques or “enrolling and de-rolling” and their productions and experience have gained a much deeper reality and truth.
Rex Dabling
True Puma
Intermountain USA
“I create a world of love and understanding by living love and patience.”
Rex Dabling has been leader in the Wasatch front community in many ways. From 2008-2012 he volunteered to coordinate senior high mission trips to Mexican orphanages where the teens and leaders do improvements to the run down facilities. The orphanage “parents” of the Casa Hogar children, were so very grateful for the work he did to create a safe environment for the young residents. Rex has also been a mainstay in neighborhood baseball since 2005 when his oldest son started playing. He coached from 2009 to 2011 and since then has served on the board of the Mount Olympus PONY league. Rex and his wife Julie met in a 12-step meeting, they were married 2 years later. Both are sober over 20 years.
Terry Cobb
Loving Husky
“I heal the wounded child in other men.”
Terry has been a realtor since he was 19. He received the National Community Service award which he won over 8,000 others. A graduate of Leadership Topeka, he mentored students in Junior Achievement for nine years. He served as president of Topeka Tennis Association and Florence Crittendon Services for young women. Terry completed his weekend in 1991. He and two other men started the Heartland community in Topeka. He has ten staffings and has 32 of his invitees complete their weekend.
Quandus Burns
Golden Eagle that flies at Sunrise
South East
“I prepare the world for my children by working with youth and adults to develop ways of healthy communication and positive work towards one love.”
Quandus is changing lives through mentoring and teaching young black males by showing them a different way. He does this through authentic dialogue, setting high expectations and giving loving support. Quandus, a public school teacher in a black community, instructs young black males. He sees a community lacking fathers, manifesting in the lack motivation to succeed. He meets them where they are and shows them a different perspective through honest conversations, high expectations and support.
Richard ‘Breezy’ Brzeski
Tiger Man
“As a man among men I create a healing and compassionate world for Veterans and all others through my thoughts, behavior and actions.”
Richard “Breezy” Brzeski was discharged from the Army upon his arrival home from Vietnam in January of 1971. He joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and helped build the DRY HOOTCH. He is a life member of Vietnam Veterans of America. Breezy joined the Vets Journey Home program in 2007, and immediately realized that the healing he received was something he wanted to share with other veterans. Over 100 men and women have attended the weekends he has staffed, and the transformation of the participants has been miraculous. Working with veterans is his passion, and in addition to staffing, he has worked on community awareness of veteran’s issues, including PTSD and homelessness.
Paul Kushner
Canada East
“I create a world of loving kindness through acts of humility and by partnering with G-D”
Paul is a 2014 Ron Hering recipient from Canada East. Paul has been honored by his community because he fully integrates mission into every aspect and relationship of his life, large and small.