2017 Ron Hering Award Recipients
Craig Lipman
Sensing Owl
USA • Philadelphia
“I Co-Create an extraordinary world by embracing TATAS™”
A Man among Men of Service. Despite his preference of anonymity, he is known throughout the MKP Philly community for countless acts of generosity. He inspires joy, curiosity & wonder by the way he embraced life with two terminal illnesses. He also exemplified courage, tirelessly co-creating a world of peace by trusting and acknowledging feeling. Craig took his last breath in this world on December 19th, 2017. Craig Lipman’s exploration of life culminated in the TATAS™ framework that he created, through which he lived his life with Trust, Authenticity, Transparency, Acceptance and Safety. The model was a springboard for creating workshops and is now the subject of a book. This award is bestowed posthumously.
Dan Glenn
USA • South East
“ I create a world of Balanced Reverence and Joy through Humility and Compassion.”
While Dan describes himself as “neighborly”, his actions go far beyond that. He is always ready to offer a hand up to those in need. Just in the past year, he has encountered at least 2 people who were down and struggling to get back on their feet. He gave them employment and a place to live until they moved on. He constantly provides free consulting and advice to others in his business. In his small farming community of about 60 people, he is always helping others when needed, such as building fences. He donates organic meats to various events, and sells his meats at reduced prices for those needing a break. He shares his abundance including his ideals, values and outlook.

Gethin Aldous & Miles McLeary
Revolutionary Digital Wolf & Wild Cat
USA • Metro Tri State
“ I create a world of light by being an unstoppable force of positivity and by using the virtual world as a vessel for healing.”
This award is presented to honor the power of men working together as a team, Gethin Aldous, Miles McLeary, Jairus McLeary, Eon McLeary and others who directed and produced the documentary, “The Work”. A powerful film “set entirely inside Folsom Prison, The Work follows three men during four days of intensive group therapy with convicts, revealing an intimate and powerful portrait of authentic human transformation that transcends what we think of as rehabilitation.” (LetterboxD). These circles were started by Rob Albee (The Inside Circle Foundation) with support of Bob Petersen and Don Morrison and men from the Sacramento MKP community. Blessings to all for highlighting the power of men’s circles bringing transformation and healing to the forefront of those viewing this award winning documentary.
Steve Baker
Steadfast Bear
UK & Ireland
“By living in a state of gratitude and acknowledging all that my life adventure has given me, I offer support to others to find their own truth and wisdom and walk their own path.”
Over the past 20 years, Steve has to help transform Unstone Grange from a derelict property to a habitable one with beautiful gardens. Steve is the current chair of the board at Unstone and has helped to develop the Unstone Grange mission as ‘Unity in Diversity.’ Unstone is a place for self-development groups, including MKP for one NWTA and Women in Power for their equivalent of the NWTA. Regularly offers Lodges at his home in Sheffield, to offer support to men and women as they plot their course in life. He has taken the Lodge to other places as well, notably Buddhafield Festival. He has been supporting Journeyman for the last 5 years – taking the Lodge down to Wales and Stroud where teen boys are taken through a RoPA (rite of passage).
Boys to Men Mentoring Netzwerk Deutschland
Wendelin P. Moser, Roaring Lion
Klaus-Dieter Kathagen, Friendly Bear
Joerg-Ulrich Theisz, Happy Magic Turtle with Dragonfire Rocking with the Buffalo
Wendelin, Klaus and Joerg are among the leaders of the Boys To Men Mentoring Network in Germany. They have been taking active roles in growing the organization since 2011. The main focus is to organize Rites of Passage Adventure weekends for teenage boys in Germany. They encourage other men (initiated and non-initiated) to become mentors for the boys. They bring together mentors and “journeymen” by offering J-Groups throughout Germany. By doing that, they are supporting a growing number of young men during the transition from boys to men.
Bill Berry
Wise Giraffe
South Africa • Cape Town
“I create a world where grief and loss can be fully known by leading and teaching from the heart of sacred scriptures and doing my own work.”
In June of 2003, Bill founded the “Living from the Heart” community with the intention of bringing the kind of bio-energetic work that we do in MKP to the Christian community. With skills that he learned in MKP, Bill has led over 300 weekends in 14 different formats and has helped more than 1,500 men and women. He is a gifted and intuitive facilitator. He keeps the cost of his weekends to a minimum and allows people to attend for whatever they can afford. A large number of men have come through the NWTA as a result of Bill’s encouragement and teaching. He says he never could have done all this without the change that experienced on his own weekend, and the work he has done on himself as a result. Bill’s work has had a monumental impact on the lives of very many men and women.
James E. Boswell, Jr.
Big Bear with Boy
USA • Mid-America Area
“As a man among men, to create a more loving and caring world by Fathering.”
Jim is very active in MKP-KY and he is deeply involved in his community. He serves on several community non-profit boards. He is working with his community church to provide dinner once a week for this community and others in need. He works with the drug and alcohol recovery community to support and guide newcomers or those that still struggle. He is retired and a father of 6 and grandfather to 12, and is involved by sharing his experience, strength and hope for the future. He served as the MKP-KY President for two terms and was on the MKP-USA Council for two years. Jim was the originator of the MKP Foundation Builders program and the first Membership chair for MKP-USA.
John Crier
Morning Sun on Water
Canada • Alberta
John has been mentoring men in the Maskwacis Community (Indigenous Cree of Alberta, Canada) to step into their power, mentoring men into Elder roles in the community, corrections, and in ceremony. John has been leading ceremony and speaking in many events including the open ceremonies for city events in Red Deer and Wetaskiwin. He also has been working with the facility of indigenous studies as an Elder holding ceremonies for the University of Alberta. To list every event that John has stepped into would be hard to list as he is so humble about his give away. When you sit in ceremony and hear the people talk about his generosity and connection to ceremony that you know what he has done for the people. John has also lead many rites of passage weekends for young people and show them a way of living a good life in ceremony.
Ben Atherton Zeman
Connecting Dog
USA • New England
“I work for gender equality, and to stop gender-based violence.”
Ben is a spokesperson for the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (www.nomas.org). He has given anti-violence, anti-sexist and sexual assault prevention performances and presentations in 44 states, Canada, China, England, Turkey, South Africa, India, and the Czech Republic. Ben has spoken at military bases, colleges, high schools, public theaters, conferences, houses of worship and juvenile detention facilities. For the past 17 years, Ben has worked as a prevention educator for rape crisis centers, domestic violence programs, and state coalitions. He is an advisory board member for the White Ribbon Campaign in the UK. In 2017, Ben was the Keynote Speaker at the Voices of Men Fox River breakfast in Appleton, WI – with Ron Hering Award Winner Shannon Lee-Wyman Kenevan. Ben identifies as a “recovering sexist” and believes every man must challenge violence and sexism in the world and in themselves.

James Mosley & Floyd Rowell
Strong Bull & Urban Healer on Wild Horse
USA • Wisconsin
James and Floyd are facilitators at the Alma Center. The Alma Center works with men who’ve been convicted of a domestic violence offense. They have extensive healing and treatment programs for them. They each work many evenings facilitating classes, in fact Floyd had a six month stretch in which he never took a day off, and some nights slept over at the Alma Center!! Men who go through their programs are 86% less likely to reoffend!! James is a mentor to men in many other avenues in addition to the Alma Center. Floyd is in the running for “40 under 40” in Milwaukee. He was also a core member of the MKP USA / Alma Center Cycling Team in 2014’s RAGBRAI – as a brand new cyclist.
Henk Ketelaars
Curious Monkey
Canada • Ontario
“To Live my life authentically.”
For 14 years, he ran the every Sunday evening “Seekers” where speakers covered “some aspect” of spirituality. Being involved in municipal politics, he was a main cog to get bike paths onto the city streets of London Ontario, Canada. He is a caregiver for his partner, and a physical and emotional healer. Henk is a man who strives to be authentic in all aspects of his life. He constantly seeks to become aware of himself in relation to the rest of the world he exists in. He shares his insights with anyone who welcomes in his abilities, to assist and move the individual to a better place in that person’s world. He works with Spirit/intuition in his awareness of life and the ability of all persons, to attain a higher level of appreciation and personal functionality in each of our lives.
Welcome Witbooi
South Africa
“I create a world of love and understanding through building bridges and removing barriers that separate people. ”
Welcome Witbooi is a life skills program specialist and motivational speaker to schools and underprivileged and disadvantaged diverse communities speaking to at risk young people and community members to make choices for a better life. He creates circles of sharing, where parents, fathers & sons can engage on issues of being a father and a man. When they engage, they go into dialogue about what it is like to acknowledge and respect woman, and deal with issues of sexism, gender based violence, and issues of LGBT people. The impact is to build understanding and open mindedness, inspiring the spirit of Ubuntu (I am because you are), and togetherness.
Nick LaRue
Coyote Song
USA • Southwest
Nick is involved in New Mexico wildlife rescue and preservation. He works with New Mexico wild horse association helping preserve wild Mustangs. He is a retired school teacher who continues to substitute in APS and especially enjoys subbing at Adobe Acres Elementary. Nick is involved in horse therapy on the Navajo reservation, within the juvenile justice system, and with veterans, and first responders. He helped sponsor “Wild Friends” continuously for 25 years, a program that teaches kids to write and fight for wildlife in New Mexico. His business is Backroads Wrangler, taking visitors to offroad New Mexico historic sites and educating them on the history and preservation of these historic sites. Nick shares his passion for life and his love of nature with those around him.
Donald Breeding
Steadfast Rhino
USA • South Central
“I create a world of healing through confident leadership.”
Donald is a cardiac nurse at a hospital in the Medical Center in Houston. During the Harvey floods he walked 4-5 miles through flood water to get to the hospital he works at. The Hospital was surrounded by water and the nurses and Doctors inside were trapped. He relieved his co-workers on arrival and then worked for 3 days to keep his patients alive. He was not scheduled to come in or asked to walk through flood waters. Then Maria hit Puerto Rico and Donald flew to the island to provide medical services to isolated areas that had not medical facilities or supplies. He stayed there for over a week treating people. Donald served as an army medic, he is a registered RN, father and brother.
Christopher Anderson
Loving Wolverine
USA • South Central
“I create a world of unconditional love and unity through modeling behaviors and personal accountability.”
Christopher Andersen is a veteran, a father, a husband and a son who gives back to the world by living his mission of unconditional love and unity every day. Christopher is is an Air Force JROTC Commander at a local High School and works with youth on a daily basis. He created “The Feelings Circle” where over 120+ students learned about “accountability and authenticity” through their words, deeds and actions. Chris has led over 1400 combined community service hours in the MS Gulf Coast region. As part of his continued Air Force mission he leads these circle’s to develop citizens of character dedicated to the service of our nation and local community.
Robert Conway
Watchful Otter
USA • Upstate New York
“I create a world where all people can feel valued, by giving my love freely and by embracing diversity.”
Robert Conway has lived his mission through volunteer service to non-profits focused on personal growth, leadership, mentorship, and community service. He served as a Board Member and Vice President for LifeResults, where he overhauled the technologies and processes used for enrollment, marketing, and finances. He also serves as a Community Coordinator for MKP of Upstate New York. He considers his greatest achievement in this role to be the screening of the movie The Mask You Live In, which drew almost 300 attendees and created a good deal of positive local publicity for MKP. Robert also volunteers for the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence in Rochester NY, where he is a member of the marketing committee.
Larry Johnson
Two Bears
USA • Northwest
“I nurture and heal this world by restoring her resources with compassion”
Hundreds of children and families have benefited from Larry Johnson’s service. He has dedicated himself to community since he was a child and encourages the youth he works with to take up the same path. He has served as President of Kiwanis board of directors twice. He serves youth as a High School Key Club Advisor and a Cub Scout Chartering Agent. He fundraises and actively supports charities, including YMCA and Boys and Girls Club. He volunteers as support staff for events, such as Parks and Rec., community concerts, and festivals. He has served as a Red Cross DAT volunteer providing on call disaster recovery help as well as maintaining vehicles and relief supplies. Larry is a Holiday Salvation Army bell ringer and prepares and delivers food baskets. He has been a “Trusted Servant” in AA for 35 years.
Chris Newman
Compassionate Lion
USA • Colorado
An electrical engineer by training, Chris has been and continues to go into jails in Boulder County Colorado to support the men on the inside. He is aware that men in the correctional system face many difficult issues and emotions and are hungry for a safe venue to do personal work. He is accompanied by men from the MKP Colorado community. The group goes in every two weeks. The men on the inside are very appreciative of the work facilitated by Chris and friends and many of the men on the inside have felt the profound effects of the work.
Dennis Nicely
Swan with Balls
USA • San Diego
“I co-create a compassionate world by seeking first to understand, loving unconditionally and blessing.”
Dennis is member of the ‘GLSEN’ Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network of sexual orientation or gender identity/ expression. He is also a presenter of LGBTQ+ awareness trainings for teachers, counselors, social workers, administrators, and school psychologists in schools and universities for the past 15 years. He currently serves on the GLSEN San Diego Board as co-chairman and GSA/GSTA outreach chair person.
Alan Kay
Courageous Buck
USA • Greater Carolinas
“I create a world of healing and connection by reaching out with kindness, compassion and courage.”
Alan Currently serves as the Multi-cultural Coordinator for the Greater Carolinas Area. Alan, along with his wife Nancy and children Created/Coordinated/Sponsored the Better Dads Festival June 17, 2017. Alan participates and encourages volunteers in other community groups too such as the Buncombe County Council on Aging, Buncombe County Violence Prevention Plan, The Music and Dance Traditions of the Cherokee at the Blue Ridge Community College, and Dad’s Group (a Bilingual Open Circle for Fathers). He inspires through action and I can think of no other man/men more deserving of this prestigious award.
Bill Newberry
Majestic Buffalo
USA • Mid America North
“Speaking MY Truth, I create Safety and Healing.”
Bill works as a Chemical Dependency Counselor with a specialty in Men’s Sexual Trauma that leads to addictions and mental health problems. He has worked with men and women. He has worked in a prison with men who have been sexually and physically abused. He spent 2 years working at the Grafton Correctional Institution Reintegration Center in a Therapeutic Community named “Stepping Stones.” This is a 12-18 month treatment program where incarcerated men live together in a dorm and participate in group therapy for 8-10 hours per day 5 days a week. He worked with men who have been sexually and physically abused. This is where Bill found that talking about his being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse formed his mission. He continues to work in his job as Chemical Dependency Counselor to help and connect with people with sexual trauma. Bill is looking to start a prison program in Ohio similar to Jericho Circle Project.
Jean-Guy Houle
Loup Courageux (Courageous Wolf)
Canada East
“I create a confident world by letting people make their own choices”
Involved in his community for more than 30 years, both in the sports field and at the social level. 12 years ago, he was the founding president of Challenge 255 (https://challenge255.com), which has since become the major event, with more than 50,000 visitors last year. It generates tens of thousands of dollars, which are reinvested in the well-being of the municipality of Baie-du-Fevbre, through the nonprofit Récréo-Jeunesse groups, a program to develop and implement infrastructure (equipment, buildings and facilities) for recreation, sports and other activities for young people and financially assist all non-profit organizations in the community carrying out recreational activities and cultural activities aimed at increasing the quality of life of the population in the Nicolet-Yamaska RCM. He is also Sentinel to the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS)
Michael Broas
Gentle Dragon
USA • Florida
“To create a world of open hearts and deep connection.”
As the primary counselor at the Florida School of Massage, Michael has been a mentor, friend and inspiration to hundreds of students completing their massage therapy program. He also offers an elective for men, introducing principles of men’s work. As a Vietnam combat veteran, Michael has been an inspiration, offering talks at the local VA hospital, and institutions in the Gainesville area. He helps people understand the wounding that happens to our young men and women in service to our country. He has returned to Vietnam 6 times, using his skills as a bodyworker, spending time with many children and adults that have been ravaged by the effects of Agent Orange, a defoliant that the U.S. used in the war. He has also had the privilege to work on some of the North Vietnamese army veterans, his former enemy. These connections have been instrumental in his own healing process.
Corey Wrenn
Golden Badger
USA • Central Plains
“My mission is to create a world of love and acceptance by leading from my heart.”
For 10 years Corey served on the board of the Siouxland Community Health Center, the last 5 as Board Chair. While on the board, he spearheaded the building of a $13 million dollar facility, including the only HIV unit in western Iowa. The health center serves the neediest and the newest members of the community. Currently he serves as Chairman of the board at Sunrise Retirement Community, where they recently built a new $10m Nursing home. He’s also the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Siouxland Foundation. Corey believes the measure of a society is how we care for those who cannot care for themselves. By leading from my heart, he feels he can really make a difference for people. By working with large organizations, he leverages his talents to change the world one person at a time.
Chuck Daube
Wild Mustang
USA • Mid America
“To create a world that celebrates diversity by honoring and nurturing all the children.”
Chuck has worked at the Indiana School for the Deaf for over 45 years supporting diversity on campus and in the community as well providing live access to live theatrical and musical events through American Sign Language. He has also coached the Champion Indiana School for the Deaf Academic Bowl Team. Chuck has interpreted over 250 plays (including Shakespeare and Broadway musicals) and concerts (including the Indianapolis Children’s Choir, and Indianapolis Men’s Chorus). Chuck has also volunteered on the Indiana Suicide Prevention Hotline and the Damien Center Buddy Program providing emotional and educational support to people with AIDS and their families.
Dave Klaus
King Bee, Fire-Tender
USA • Northern California
“I heal the world by making safe space for inclusive and generative conversation.”
Dave has served as a public defender in Alameda County for 21 years, representing poor people accused of serious crimes. He speaks often about emotional resilience and secondary trauma in the profession, and coaches and mentors lawyers dealing with burn-out and anxiety. As a Hollow Bones Zen priest, an MKP LIT, a blog writer and poet, and Burning Man community leader, Dave truly lives a life of mission and service. He has been married for 20 years and has two thriving teenagers, and he has been appointed the Interim Executive Director for the newly launched Boys to Men/Girls to Women Bay Area organization.