4 – 5 April 2020 – ONLINE
The ManKind Project Global Brotherhood invites you to a two day live online event celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the ManKind Project, marked by the first “Wild Man Weekend” in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in early 1985.
The event celebrates our evolution as an internationally respected education and training organization and brings us together in community, no matter where we may be in the world. From where we began, to the many changes we’ve integrated, and to our vision of our shared future, we will celebrate. We will honor the legacies and impacts of men who have helped shape the course of our evolution over time, the Founders’ Circle of Honor Recipients.

An invitation …
from the Chair of the ManKind Project USA, Paul Samuelson for the online 35th Anniversary Celebration. Though we will not be able to be physically connected, our hearts will be together.
All supporters and fans of the ManKind Project are welcome to attend the live portions of the 35th Anniversary Celebration. We welcome our brothers and sisters from around the world and the many organizations and training programs that we’ve connected with, partnered with, learned from, and influenced over the decades. THANK YOU. There are no words to express our gratitude for all the gifts we’ve shared. See the schedule below.
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We’ll send you directly to the page with the LIVE Schedule and Events Listings.
Saturday April 4, 2020
All times shown UTC+0
Open Connection time begins at 5:00 pm utc. [7am hst Honolulu, 10am pdt Los Angeles, 11am mdt Denver, 12pm cdt Chicago, 1pm edt New York, 6pm bst London, 7pm sast Johannesburg, 3am aest Sydney] (Find your time)
Live Presentations begin at 6:00 pm utc (Find your time) || Open Connection time after the program will end at 9:00 pm utc.
Sunday April 5, 2020
All times shown UTC+0
Open Connection time begins at 5:00 pm utc. [7am hst Honolulu, 10am pdt Los Angeles, 11am mdt Denver, 12pm cdt Chicago, 1pm edt New York, 6pm bst London, 7pm sast Johannesburg, 3am aest Sydney] (Find your time)
Live Presentations begin at 6:00 pm utc (Find your time) || Open Connection time after the program will end at 9:00 pm utc.

Founder’s Circle of Honor
Class of 2020
- Christophe Depierre “Loup Vivant” (April 1997, UK & Ireland)
- Carl Griesser “Wonderlion” (February 1997, Northwest)
- Joe Laur “Godsdog” (June 1988, Chicago)
- Jon Levitt “Four Animals” (April 1992, Chicago)
- Les Sinclair “Dingo” (August 1991, San Diego)
- Tony Wilkinson “Good-Enough Horse” (Dec 2000, UK & Ireland)

What Does the NWTA Mean to You?
One of our deepest sorrows is that we won’t be able to hang out in person with the founders, Rich Tosi (pictured) and Bill Kauth. In response, Rich Tosi asked that we collectively share stories, images, and letters expressing what the New Warrior Training Adventure and the ManKind Project have meant to us. We’ve set up a page where you can go and upload your letters, images, and memories for Rich and Bill to have.