Redwood Whispering Peace
USA • Northern California Area
Ray Arata III
“I create a safe and equal world by listening, learning, and leading with my wide open heart.”
With a vision of the possibility of evolved heart centered & inclusive male leadership in companies, Ray saw the need for men to be part of the solution of equity, equality and inclusion. He founded The Better Man Conference in 2016, a one-day event with resources, support, and community to engage men as allies in creating an inclusive culture. To date, there have been 7 conferences, in San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, and soon to be London. His audiences have included some of the largest companies in the world, and routinely have 200-300 participants, with men making up the majority of the audience. As a result of his work, UN Women bestowed upon him the award of HeForShe – Champion of Change. Ray has partnered with MKP USA for the conferences. Ray credits his 20 year experience with MKP as the main driver of his vision.
Ray has been involved in MKP for 20+ years. He’s currently a Co-Leader, with 53 staffings. Ray is happily married to Anna and has 3 adult children, with his two sons having been initiated.