We have been working on the basics of “how” to deliver this new entity, “what” we want it to look like, “what” steps we need to take, and “when” to take certain steps. The first and third Mondays the Executive Team has been meeting for two hours, on a phone bridge, and, on the other Mondays, we meet with the entire council.

After three months of biting into this we are finding that each step impacts, or alters, another, is dependent on our mid and long-term goals, and creates new issues to be contemplated and entered into the equation of what MKP-USA should look like.

Much of the dilemma is poor funding. We are operating on a shoestring and need greater funding sources. And, it is proving difficult to get feedback from the full spectrum of men we represent.

From the sorting out, we are clear about several things. Communication is and will be critical. Our goal is to be totally transparent. If you think we are not meeting that goal, let us know. Ask for what you want from us as your Council and Executive Team. My email address is davidbauerly@mkp.org.

We are also ready to unveil the membership program that hopefully will alleviate some of our funding woes.

Sometimes I hear that we should return the good ol’ days. There were no good ol’ days, except in magical thinking; each and all times have perfection and imperfection.

I have been saying, “If we don’t do something new, then we will never have anything ‘new’ happen.”

We have come to this realization: “If we don’t change the way we do business we won’t have a business to change.”

The Chinese have no word for change, only two symbols; one for danger, and one for opportunity. Currently there is a lot of excitement and opportunity in our future; and clearly change can be dangerous. In a few weeks you will be getting a letter in the mail. That could be our future in your mail box.

You can also help us by viewing the video that resulted from a 2-year analysis of MKP. Here is the link. Once we get the blog set up for comments we can have a discussion about ACT II.

I see tremendous possibility.

David Bauerly aka Red Fox, occasionally known as Desert mouse

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