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HOT Off the Press
Paul Goldman has published his 2nd volume of poetry. Paul’s work has gained wide acclaim for its ability to connect to the noble tradition of ecstatic poetry that many New Warriors resonate with. Like our beloved Rumi, Paul is an inspiration.
"The wild, holy energy within this book can burst forth only from a `man who has lost himself in love,’ such as Rumi and other seers, whose poetry this volume now joins." Reverend Vern Barnett
social media is our friend!
The ManKind Project has nearly 12,000 fans! Are you one of them?
MKP USA Mentoring costa rica!
Big News for MKP and Central America! The men of Costa Rica's growing community in central American will now be getting directed assistance from MKP USA as part of our efforts to continue to welcome 'the next man', wherever he is in the world.
Many thanks to the MKPI International Operating Team, the MKP USA Board, and DON McDOUGLE – a champion for MKP in Central America.
Frederick Marx has been a powerful voice for working with young men and women in rites of passage and mentoring. Recently Marx brought together leaders and representatives from twenty four rites of passage organizations for a powerful weekend of collaboration and sharing. Read more and see a photo at the ManKind Project Journal.
Help MKP USA Bring the good news!
Monthly Marketing Webinars – Third Thursday of the month 5:30 pm Eastern Time. Email boysen@mkp.org for an invite.
TWICE A MONTH Enrollment Phone Bridge– First and Third Thursday of the month 6:30 pm EST. 218 862 6420 x367655
Email Joe Badalamenti.
we want your input
MKP USA needs to hear from you about how we can improve and what we can do to evolve and innovate!
CLICK HERE to give us feedback!
ManKind Project – pushing back the darkness 2012
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10, 2012. The Mental Health Resource Team of the ManKind Project International is leading the charge in MKP to support the efforts of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP).
Read the announcement from the MHRT on the ManKind Project web site: https://mankindproject.org/prevention .
ManKind Project and Men’s Health – Supporting MHN
Now in our second year, the ManKind Project USA is collaborating with the Men’s Health Network to support Men’s Health Month (June 2012). Centers in MKP USA can get involved by hosting ‘Wear Blue’ events to support Prostate Cancer Awareness. Get the flyer for these events and read more about our commitment to men’s health here: https://mankindproject.org/menshealth
Living with a Healthy Heart

Click the image for the video.
In Hawaii, the men of MKP banded together to create a video about HEART HEALTH. Heart attacks can strike men even when none of the outward markers for risk are in evidence. In the ManKind Project we can support one another not only by mitigating risk factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure, but by working to lower overall stress levels and promote mental and spiritual health.
MKP USA Financial Info is LIVE.
The ManKind Project USA Financial Team has made astounding progress bring MKP USA into financial health and transparency. Jon Levitt, the Interim Financial Director had this to say,
"In keeping with its promises and our institutional affirmation that we are the wise and transparent fathers we have been waiting for, MKP USA has posted the 2010 audited financials and 2011 unaudited financials to the MKP USA web site at https://mkpusa.org/financial-information/ "
Occupy Paradise – MKP Elders Northwest Gathering
Photo by Bill Origer with permission
Why: “Come Occupy Paradise!”
Where: Rustic Camp Westwind, Lincoln City, Oregon, https://www.oregoncoast.org/ Camp virtual tour.
Theme: Dancing with the paradox of a world on the brink of ruin or Renaissance!
Benefits: Camaraderie with real men, deeper connection with self, thought-action stimulus, juicy play and frivolity, nature engagement, arts exposure and spiritual attunement.
Hear and Engage with Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW, internationally respected author of
MenAlive: Stop Killer Stress with Simple Energy Healing Tools, Surviving Male Menopause & The Irritable Male Syndrome. Presenter on “43 Years on the Path from Suicide to Paradise.”
Revel In: Teach on the beach walks, storytelling, poetry, elder honoring rituals, music and singing from the heart, kite flying, hang out time and deep dialogue.
Hosted by: NW Mankind Project (some partial scholarships available) – 12th annual gathering
Carpe Diem – Register Here Today – Men are waiting for you. https://mkpnw.org/register-early-for-westwind-elder-retreat-22-24-june/
New York Metro – Push4Peace
The Metro New York Community participated in a Push4Peace event on April 28 in the Bronx, hosted and sponsored by Hot 97FM, NYC.
Representing MKP were Stan Koehler of Peace in the Streets, men from the Peace in the Streets program, and Jerry Bimka of MKP NYC. Jerry had the opportunity to speak on a panel discussion with a number of prominent Bronx political figures and hip hop icons.
Read more about it at the MKPUSA.org site: https://mkpusa.org/2012/05/push4peace/
AND … don’t forget that there is a biligual English / Espanol NWTA weekend sponsored by the New Jersey Community on May 18-20. https://nwta.mkp.org/ for more info.
Greater Carolinas Center Sponsors WILD GOOSE Festival
For the second year, the men of MKP Greater Carolinas are sponsoring the Wild Goose Festival. Wild Goose is "a community creating a festival at the intersection of justice, spirituality and art." It brings together speakers, musicians and artists from a broad spectrum of spiritual (primarily Christian) traditions, modeling an environment that is somewhere between Greenbelt and Burning Man. Learn more at their website: https://www.wildgoosefestival.org/about-us/history/
What is especially exciting about this connection is that the founder of Wild Goose and the Director of Communications for the festival are both New Warriors! MKP USA looks forward to creating a vibrant relationship with this progressive spiritual festival. And if you’re available from June 21-24 – why not travel to North Carolina for a weekend of art, spirit, social justice and rocking music!?
Mythic Journeys … An Interview
You have to see this movie. I loved it. My wife loved it. The people I shared it with at the Whole Health Expo loved it.
"Mythic Journeys" is a documentary film about myth and the shifts in culture that have put many of us out of touch with the power of story and imagination.
I sat down with the filmmakers to talk about the film. We had a great conversation and a great connection. There is a special deal for ManKind Project fans on the Mythic Journeys web site. Purchase the Mythic Journeys 2-Disc, get an additional 20% off and Mankind Project USA will get a $5.00 donation for each sold. Use the coupon code MANKIND.