Golden Wolf
USA • Philadelphia Area
Clark Pitcairn
“I create a world of Love and Support by bringing Love and Support to others.”
Clark is one of the men that built the Bryn Athyn Men’s Group, which 22 years ago created the Spiritual Warrior Effectiveness Training (SWET) Men’s Weekend. Clark is a Leader on SWET weekends, held at Beaver Lake, his property in Northeastern PA. Over 1,300 men aged 13 to 84 have gone through the weekend. From its beginning, SWET reached out to the Philadelphia recovery community. The cost of SWET is discounted to men in recovery as well as to men of limited means. “Some inner-city men went to the SWET Weekend and met Clark and other men from the suburbs. They thought we would never see these men from the suburbs again. Clark and another Warrior Brother, Lach Brown, started coming, and are still coming, into the city to mentor men in a weekly men’s group, helping them grow to be better fathers and husbands and men of honor and integrity.” Clark is married, father of 4 sons, one daughter and three step sons. He is a Senior Vice President at Pitcairn Trust Company. He was a founder and the first President of The National Philanthropic Trust (NPT).