Playful Deer
Canada • Alberta
Corey Lee
“I create a loving world of peace by serving myself first, those I love and others.”
For many years Corey has been an active force in keeping people connected through numerous communities, by organizing and hosting shared dinners, barbecues and other events. Corey is a long-term volunteer of the Marian Centre, an inner-city organization that feeds the homeless and the less fortunate. Besides doing regular shifts in a soup kitchen in the Edmonton inner city, Corey has actively recruited new volunteers and has promoted local restaurants that give away food to those in need.
For a long time, Corey has volunteered for a suicide hotline and has trained others in suicide prevention. Corey is a man who drops everything to help out people in the communityand who truly lives his mission by keeping his many communities connected and serving his family and friends and especially the less fortunate in our society.