UK Ireland
David Drysdale
“I create a world of balanced, joyful community by nurturing and gifting the love and magic in my heart.”
David Drysdale (July 22, 1965 – July 4, 2016) was a much-loved social entrepreneur who founded Fathers Network Scotland (FNS) in 2008 to encourage and support men in fatherhood. By 2014, his social start-up had become a widely-respected, gender-balanced organisation with its own research base and the ear of the Scottish Government. In 2016 it funded a national Year of the Dad bringing together 5,800 individuals and 1,300 organisations at 100 events to celebrate the difference a great dad can make. His death from cancer in July 2016 drew warm tributes from across society, including the deputy first minister of Scotland, who hailed David’s “tremendous legacy.” David worked as an actor and web developer until the apparent suicide of two friends caused him to reassess life at 40 and devote himself to men’s personal development in MKP & FNS. He leaves a wife Misol, son Manow and baby daughter Maya.