White Polar Bear
USA • Mid America – North
Doug Earle
“To support people of lesser means by donating his time, energy, and resources to make stronger communities and a more just world.”
In Memoriam: Doug lived out his mission by providing pro-bono legal services for people in need. He supported public education and WKAR, Michigan State public radio. He was active in Democratic Party by canvassing, door to door calling, running for office, and was a candidate for a federal judgeship and the the Clinton County Drain Commissioner. Doug was a member of Sierra Club with donating time and money. He was a member of the local Lions Club from 2004 to 2017 and held the Office of Tail Twister, a position where he kept track of members service projects. Doug was also active in the White Cane Drive from 2004 – 2007 supporting visually impaired individuals plus many other Lions Club projects and activities.