Hawk Inside the Belly of a Beast
USA • Midwest, Kentucky
Doug Stern
“My mission is to create a free and happy world by being free and happy.”
Doug went to his usual 12-step meeting June 2, 2020, read Step 1 aloud, and had an epiphany about racial healing. He realized that he could somehow work a program of recovery toward racial transformation for himself…and, perhaps, for others. June 2 was a low point for Louisville, KY as it was being convulsed by violent white supremacy.That’s when he stepped up and formed a 12-step study group for local Louisville folks. The Group discovered and used Racists Anonymous (rainternational.org), a recovery program modeled after AA. The Group finished the step study after 16 weeks, decided to stay together, and opened the meeting to others. Since summer, Louisville Meeting #1 (7:55 am ET, Wednesdays) has been a space for others in the U.S., Canada and abroad…seeking to uproot racist thoughts and behaviors in themselves. In addition to his anti-racism work in Louisville, Doug has served RA’s organizational leadership in getting the word out and offering hope to people internationally.