The Next Generation of MKP USA Information Technology is coming.
The system is being developed in 3 phases, with Phase 1 being the Connect System.

We plan to debut Connect at the Center Council meeting in August, and release it to the masses on Sept 3.

Next week we will be doing beta testing on the product. I hope to be ready for the Center Council meeting by the time I leave for Ragbrai on the 19th.


The Welcome / Connect / Serve System under development by MKPUSA and being provided to other MKPI Regions by agreement, is comprised of 3 separate-but-linked components in a single centralized system. It will be made available to MKPI Regions as-is, without translation, custom configurations or integration with payment gateways or accounting systems. Further development along those lines will be the responsibility of MKPI or the specific Region to whom the customization is specific.


The “Welcome” component will serve to meet the needs of communities to track and respond to inquiries, maintain and communicate with a database of interested individuals, and to directly manage the process of participant registration in the NWTA and conversion of record into the central warrior database. Direct communication with participants from system, recording of outbound communication, tracking of participant documents via status and more as system develops. Depending on the degree of specialized development pursued independently by the Region, the system can also directly manage payments and integrate with financial accounting software.
Simply, “Welcome” replaces the “Enrollment” functions of the CAA into a fully integrated registrations system, with RFI and CRM functionality.


The “Connect” component will serve as an organization-wide intranet, with integrated mailing list functions, calendars, and file storage areas. Using a single centralized user database to control access, Connect will require ongoing participation or administrative intervention by MKPI Regions in order for their members to gain access to the system.
Simply, “Connect” replaces the Mailman email lists, the OWL file storage area, the existing New Warrior Circle material, and adds group tools and functions in one integrated location.


The “Serve” component will serve as community event management system, to allow men to apply to staff/mos NWTAs, allow community administrators to process applications, communicate with applicants, make work/role assignments, track staff/mos paperwork & fee via status. Further development per Region may allow integration of staff fee payments and accounting integrations.
Simply, “Serve” replaces the “NWTA Coordination” functions of the CAA into a fully integrated volunteer management system.

John Bacon
Oso Amoroso
MKP USA IT Director

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