Loup Courageux (Courageous Wolf)
Canada East

Jean-Guy Houle

2017, Ron Hering Awards

“I create a confident world by letting people make their own choices”

Involved in his community for more than 30 years, both in the sports field and at the social level. 12 years ago, he was the founding president of Challenge 255 (https://challenge255.com), which has since become the major event, with more than 50,000 visitors last year. It generates tens of thousands of dollars, which are reinvested in the well-being of the municipality of Baie-du-Fevbre, through the nonprofit Récréo-Jeunesse groups, a program to develop and implement infrastructure (equipment, buildings and facilities) for recreation, sports and other activities for young people and financially assist all non-profit organizations in the community carrying out recreational activities and cultural activities aimed at increasing the quality of life of the population in the Nicolet-Yamaska ​​RCM. He is also Sentinel to the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS)


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