The ManKind Project USA Board met on December 9-10, 2011 to conduct the business of MKP USA and to elect officers and board members for the next year or two year terms.

The Board elected three At-Large Board Members for 2 year terms. Read the full bios of the men elected by clicking HERE.

Robert Powell

Robert Powell

Powell stood for a position as an At-Large Member after being passed over for Vice Chair. The incumbent, Robert Oser, won the seat of Vice Chair.

From Powell’s bio statement: Why now?

MKP USA, as young an organization as it is, already stands at a moment of significant transition requiring a new vision of leadership. As we professionalize our staff and establish our Executive Director as the chief executive officer, it is necessary that the Board and, in particular, the Chair and Vice Chair be comfortable with stepping back to a position of guidance, support and oversight. By temperament and experience, I am ready, with the Chair, to hold the space for this transition and to give David Lang the space he needs to implement the vision we have been formulating the past two years.

Russell Kramp

Russell Kramp

From Kramp’s bio statement:

I believe we are at a major cross-road as an organization. MKP-USA does great work and it is time to tell the world. As an organization I believe we are at Friday night of the Weekend doing the process “What’s At Risk?” What’s at risk if we keeping do what we’ve done in the
past and what might happen if we do things differently? I envision an organization where there is more visibility, more transparency, the taking of credit for what we do right, and the acceptance of responsibility for what we do wrong – and the willingness and guts to fix it! If I am elected I will bring my energy, my creativity, my enthusiasm and my intelligence to make this happen.

Jon Levitt

Jon Levitt

From Levitt’s bio statement:

The world needs conscious, capable men to stand in service of the sacred masculine. I am responding to that call that I hear. For the last 18 months, I have been immersed in service at the National and now International levels of MKP. I show up powerfully and persistently, as a visionary and as a laborer, a thinker and a man of action.

I’ve been in this work 20 years. My family, my community and my workplaces have benefited in ways I could have never imagined. I want that option available for my 4 year old son, twenty years from now. I want that option available to men everywhere, for every reason.

MKP is just beginning to learn how to integrate the kingship of order, financial responsibility, clarity and transparency with initiation, sacred masculine, the warrior and the wild man. MKP is a 25 year old man, an adolescent that is moving into the power stroke of its life. I choose to make myself available as one of the shepherds that brings MKP into full, vibrant masculine adulthood as an organization.

Hear the full Election Process here:

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