USA • Northwest
Mark Mojdehi
“I create a World of belonging by sharing my gifts.”
Mark began prison volunteer efforts shortly after his NWTA three years ago. It took a year of badgering before he was allowed to create the now thriving music program for inmates at Columbia River Correctional Facility. The program serves the CRCI inmates and MKP volunteers wishing to serve. Mark sponsored MKP men interested in creating Inside Circles. He attended inside sessions for six months until others of his team were badged to get through security. Thanks to Mark’s generosity the program is vibrantly serving the population with two inmates committed to attending the July NWTA.
Mark’s sponsorship of unbadged MKP volunteers was at personal emotional and monetary expense until the Inside Circle team could become independent. I honor and respect Mark for his mission in action sharing his gifts, giving back and creating his World by sharing . Further, Mark is sending men from his music program to check out our Inner Circle and with Marks support we are steadily getting stronger and increasing our numbers.