Eagle Soaring with Silver Feathers
Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada
Michael Erickson
First honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Centre
“My goal is to facilitate missions into action–real action.”
About two years ago I began by becoming the “Windsor-Detroit Community Outreach Coordinator”. Then a year ago I began forming a plan for leveraging the strongest part of MKP–the I-Groups. I formed a six man team, representing five I-Groups to begin doing this. About this time, I discovered the MKP-USA Mission Council on a similar path and feeling very excited, joined Stephen Simmer, and others, in our work. My I-Group the “Detroit I-Group” has become very grounded in mission stretch. Using seedpod and magnet stretches almost every meeting, as well as personal stretches. Follow up on these stretches is common and effective. There is now a fourth part of the Warrior round where we set our stretches. Other WD I-Groups are beginning to find the power in the ‘intentionality’ of the mission stretch concept. Through the I-Group rep or a leader in each I-Group, my plan is to empower each man and each I-Group in mission stretch in action. This will lead to stronger I-Groups, with teamwork, moving into the outside community, where MKP can be shared. This leads to more I-Group visits by uninitiated men, more NWTAs, and reaching the million man goal!
1. Connection with the Detroit Rescue Mission (DRM) by volunteering to serve food.
2. Donating and wrapping Christmas presents for the DRM.
3. Supporting the Unity Renaissance church Men of Today, located in WarrenMI.
4. Connecting with a famous Detroit church, called “I Am My Brother’s Keeper”. Located only a few blocks from where the Detroit I-Group meets weekly. (At the former location of Detroit Tiger Stadium baseball at Michigan and Trumbull).
5. Boarding up vacant and unsafe houses.