Loving Tiger
USA • Philadelphia

Mike Chavez

2016, Ron Hering Awards

“I co-create a world of love, peace and freedom through INTEGRITY.”

Mike says “How can I call anything I do for the community anything but joyful?! I enjoy going into Kensington (known as the Badlands) and talking to addicts who are still in their addiction living in the streets. I offer kindness, my hope, a jacket, a sandwich or perhaps a hug.” Mike volunteers at The Last Stop, a recovery house and shelter, where he speaks regularly about recovery and sponsors several men. He brings men to SWET Circles (Spiritual Warfare Effectiveness Training) and retreats. He is an active participant in SWET, has completed multiple workshops and staffed many SWET weekends. Mike also supports a men’s group at Calvary Church in Kensington. Mike feels that he does nothing out of the ordinary. He says “I am on earth to do God’s work and carry a message of love and hope.” Mike has been a flight attendant for 20 years.


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