Golden Blessing Eagle
USA • Colorado
Murray “Cappy” Caplan
“I co-create a world of love and acceptance by loving and accepting myself.”
I was very lucky at a very young age to have parents who accepted me just the way I was and modeled a joyful life reached through a love of learning. There really wasn’t an “”OTHER”” in their conversations with me. So, it was very natural for me to go into pediatrics because teaching children, adolescents, and their parents my “Mission Statement” was a joyful experience. One of my children noticed how much fun I was having, and she was upset with me when she found out I got paid for my services. I spent 4 years in the Indian health service practicing pediatrics with the different tribes of Oklahoma. There were no reservations there and it was amazing to see Native Americans accepting the beautiful parts of our culture–but not giving up their own. I have also worked with the Sioux of South Dakota the Navajo of New Mexico, and the Apache of Arizona— they have given me a tremendous appreciation of the land–after time with them I realize how many things are more important than money (not just the land, but friendships, family, and giving back). Today, I practice at child and adolescent psychiatry helping my patients ages 4 to 30yrs of age who have spent years living on the streets with their mental health issues and the trauma they’ve suffered in their lives. Our goals for these patients are very simple–give them the tools to find a job, a home in which to live, and a new opportunity to trust people for the first time in their lives. I initiated in 1994 and I have staffed 25 weekends–my daughter told me I had 2 families–my family, and my patients–and she was glad to be in one of them. My wife would tell you I have 3 families–my family, my patients, and my “MKP Warrior Brothers”. Thankfully, for me, she too is glad to be in one of them.