
This past month and a half as the MKP USA Executive Director has flown by. I’m learning about our deep MKP culture, our internal capabilities, and our ways of doing things here at MKP USA.  I’m grateful to be part of an organization helping to build and support the emotionally intelligent, powerful, accountable, and compassionate role models that our communities so desperately need. I’m proud to be here and leading this wonderfully rich tradition.

Our strategic direction over the next years is clear and moving fast forward to building MKP USA into a stronger, more professional organization—better able to partner with our communities and constituencies.  We have several critical success factors (CSFs) that will propel our growth—Membership, Organizational Capacity, Unification, Constituencies/I-groups, Marketing and Branding, and Curriculum and Trainings.  These are our critical areas, and if we execute properly, we will strengthen MKP USA. Goals and milestones are set; and the Board, Staff and I are clear about what needs to be done.

  • MKP USA Membership has seen tremendous growth this year.  We now have over 3,400 members—565 in the month of December alone. This is an extraordinary number of men who have claimed their MKP USA Membership.  Membership is the way New Warriors and men and women outside the organization express their support and commitment to bringing the gift of MKP and men’s work to the world. It essentially says, we are all in this together.  MKP USA is US—all of US.
  • Our Organizational Capacity is about our viability, capability, and possibility.  It’s about having the resources and systems for long-term stability and growth.  Examples of capacity building are evident in the new system, our clear strategic direction, and commitment agreements for each committee and working group.
  • Unification will clearly make us stronger and make our resources work more efficiently.  I also believe it will increase our marketing and branding nationally as well as our clout in promoting MKP USA programs and services. I’m particularly pleased that the new excess travel accident insurance purchased by MKP USA will promote enrollment in NWTAs. Unification has the potential to revolutionize how efficiently our communities run.
  • Our most important and basic element are our Constituencies—circles, I-groups, centers, and constituency groups like the Elders, the LKS, and our Certified Training Leaders.  All encourage deep, soulful, and personal work and support for a lifetime. Bringing greater support and service to them is a priority.
  • During 2013, we will be increasing our national efforts to Market and Promote our brand and attract new men and loyal members.  We will continue increasing our visibility through our web and social media sites, outreach efforts, and our new online trainings.  These will help MKP USA tell a compelling story about the impact our work has on men’s lives and society.  Additionally, our new online training platform, launching in early 2013, will build a powerful channel to reach far more men and women through strategic partnerships, giving the MKP USA brand a whole new level of recognition and credibility.
  • Finally, our newest and most exciting area for growth is in our Curriculum and Training efforts.  The MKP USA Board has passed a resolution to review, select, and acquire new trainings to supplement/complement our current training products. We will bring in trainings that address the fullness and wonder of the human life cycle, appeal to a wider demographic, and finally tap the tremendous brilliance of New Warriors doing powerful work in the world.  All trainings will have an experiential quality and provide the tools to help men grow up, wake up, and show up in their lives with power and compassion.

I’m energized and looking forward to a successful 2013.  MKP USA will be expanding its reach, strengthening its constituencies, and partnering more effectively.  I am committed to making this our BEST YEAR EVER.  We will need your continued support, feedback, and involvement in this collective effort.  You have my pledge to do everything possible to make this vision a reality.

With Commitment,

Richard Goldberg
MKP USA Executive Director

Mobile: (314) 550-5500

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