Pit Bull Watched Over By Eagle Spirit
USA • St. Louis
Nick Schalk
“I create the world of unconditional love, by authentically being divinely who I am”
Nick initiated in the Spring of 2005. In the years since, he has served and represented the St. Louis Center/Area in multiple local, national, and international leadership positions. Nick for many years either led or co-led, the Monday night Open I-Group. He is also a man who has and will, often on short notice, spend time supporting non-Warriors interested in MKP. His meetings with new men, often over coffee or lunch have been significant factors in our ability put on NWTA’s and grow our community.
Outside of MKP, he lives, models, and teaches core MKP values of integrity, accountability, auenticity, compassion, respect, and leadership. For many years, he served as a coach for his sons’ hockey, soccer, and baseball teams. He coached all ages from 4 and 5 years old to young adults. With each team he served, he modeled and instilled within each player, the practice accountability and integrity, often conducting accountability processes with the boys. His efforts paid off; his hockey teams won 3 state championships and 3 of his players are playing for the NHL.
Nick looks for opportunities to support those beyond MKP. In 2014, he led efforts to create and deliver a proposal to offer a diversity workshop the City of Ferguson. In 2018 he co-created The Fatherwork Workshop. It is about understanding the impact of the father on the child and the process of enhancing and transforming this experience of fathering for the present and future generations.