Maury Boehmer

Mystical Bear St. Louis, USA ”I create a world of love by finding my true self and being that presence in the world.” For the past couple years Maury has volunteered as a math tutor at an organization called Women In Charge. He works 2+ hours every week with these...

Christophe DePierre

Alive Wolf Europe Francophone ”To awake others to the intensity of their lives by fully living mine.” For years, Christophe has been intensely active in accompanying drug addicts and dying persons, including by leading men’s groups in prison. He now leads...

John Larsen

Laughing Muskox Edmonton, Canada ”To create a more loving world by being more loving.” John has been very active in the effort to revitalize his community as a site coordinator for our two annual festivals and other events. He has been designated “Volunteer...

Mariano Rabino

Open Hearted Wolf Los Angeles, USA ”I co-create a loving caring world by growing as much love within myself and cultivating that in the world!” For over 8 years Mariano has taken an active role in the lives of 50 kindergarten, first and second graders at an inner city...

Patric Roberts and Sam La Deaux

Partic: Mushin Mato Wambli Sam: Wambli Colorado, USA ”I co-create a child centric future caring for all of tomorrow’s sacred beings in the household of our shared humanity.” — Patric ”As a man among men I allow adults to feel their inner child and allow...

Nelson Oostenink

Rainbow Trout Northwest USA ”I am the one who co-creates a world of open hearted men by opening mine.” At a time of major reorganization for the Northwest Center, both in personnel and financial, Nelson devoted Herculean effort to make sure the Center could continue...