John Closs

Spiderwolf Montreal Canada East “I create a world of passionate, empowered people through blessing, challenging, and sharing my gifts.” Founding director of Boys to Men Canada, currently serving as board secretary. Mentor at the BTM circle of boys at...

Elbert Jamison

Puma Rising Detroit, USA “My Mission is to Create a Safe World by Loving and Accepting Myself and Others.” Elbert has a deep abiding passion, extending over 20 years, for the Adult Children of Alcoholics recovery program. During this time, Elbert has...

Bravehearts I-Group

Bravehearts I-Group New England, USA “Through diverse missions of service we co-create a thriving community by giving back with random acts of kindness.” The Bravehearts I-Group lives its mission of service one give-away at a time. They commit to one...

Keith Carlson

Love Dog with a Lion Heart New Mexico, USA “I create a world of love and authentic connection by living in love and authenticity.” Keith is a highly respected registered nurse and life coach. Among his many acts of service, he gives ongoing volunteer care...

Steven Vedro

Regal Monkey Wisconsin, USA “I create a safe and compassionate world by remembering my light and seeing yours.” Steven has staffed a number of Prison Truth Project weekends and has begun the groundwork to establish a weekend and ongoing presence at the Fox...

Roy Marsden

Bald Eagle with Open Heart Wisconsin, USA “I create a healed and loving world by healing myself and being open-hearted and completely present with all beings.” For many years Roy has been a member of the Cambridge WI EMT, going out on untold numbers of...