Partic: Mushin Mato Wambli
Sam: Wambli
Colorado, USA
Patric Roberts and Sam La Deaux
”I co-create a child centric future caring for all of tomorrow’s sacred beings in the household of our shared humanity.” — Patric
”As a man among men I allow adults to feel their inner child and allow children to be children.” — Sam
For nearly 10 years Patric has been reaching out to the men, and especially the young men, of the Lakota tribe at the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota to help them better their lives through the self-awareness that comes from many types of men’s work. He and his co-honoree Sam La Deaux, have started men’s circles on the reservation and have been responsible for making the MKP initiatory experience available to nearly two dozen native men in the past year. Patric is also intimately involved in the “Friends of the Lakota Initiative” and “The Order of the Earth”.