Calm Cheetah
USA • Greater Carolinas
Rick Pack
“I create a world in which data, including our diverse stories and that of scientific research, help us create a healthier world.”
Rick Pack serves as a writer and data-focused member of the 100 Black Men of Triangle East’s “Technology and Communications” committee, which mentors youth in the Raleigh, NC area in health and wellness, education, and economic empowerment, primarily through their biweekly “Saturday Academy” program. They also have recently begun a “Parenting Academy” program to help parents connect with each other.
Rick also volunteers annually at the Junior League of Raleigh’s “Career Fair” at the Brentwood Boys & Girls Club in Raleigh, NC, energetically encouraging kids to do well in school so they can achieve their dreams. He writes LinkedIn posts to increase awareness about non-profits building community in the technology space such as Research Triangle Analysts, the data science segment of the Triangle SQL Server User Group, and Women in Tech Allies.