Laughing Coyote
USA • Wisconsin
Roy U. Schenk
“To enroll people to do what is necessary to create a peaceful world by writing, speaking and living.”
Roy Schenk is a scholar who has studied the subtle shame messages that creep into everyday language and has put on forums and lectures about shame. Roy has a fearless conviction to his mission, to stand up for what he sees as the truth and injustice even when it is contrary to conventional mores. Roy is active in the MOSES organization which works to eliminate the injustices in the legal system. Roy has sponsored several Oxford Houses which provide sober housing for men and women in addiction recovery. He has given lectures on healing toxic shame and has co authored a book on shame. Roy attended the first ever “Wild Man Weekend” in 1985. He still serves as a man of service on training weekends and continues his service work on elder retreats giving presentations on the effects of toxic shame.