Dragonfly with Playful Cub and
F*cking Amazing Little Ant
Wisconsin USA

Shannon Lee Wyman Kenevan

2014, Ron Hering Awards

“By creating safe space, I elevate people and transform communities.”  

Shannon helped develop the Appleton (WI) “Voices of Men” project, working to end domestic violence and sexual assault by enlisting non-violent men to step up and speak out. In 2007, two domestic abuse and sexual assault agencies sponsored a “Men’s Summit” that led to the formation of “Fox Valley Voices of Men.”  Shannon helped lead an intensive community-wide discussion about the causes of sexual assault and domestic violence. Shannon has served as President of Voices of Men from 2010-2014, and now in 2015 will serve as Voices of Men’s first paid staff.

https://youtu.be/nT6HT979EHA – 2014 Voices of Men highlights


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