Community Coordinator
Robert Conway
10 I-Groups
371 NWTA Grads
6 New Grads in 2019
47 MKP USA supporting members
Sustaining Community • Rochester, NY MKP Upstate New York
The Rochester Community is about engagement, fun, and service! As one of the oldest communities in the country, it’s awesome to see innovative efforts to engage and enliven community.
Over 60 men, women and children showed up to their annual community gathering. In addition, Rochester is known for hosting community events like a couples weekend retreat, offering guest speakers to present to the community, and working with organizations like the Ghandi Institute for Peace and the National Coalition Building Institute on mission projects.
They hosted 15 open circles in local libraries, launched meetup.com groups, developed a monthly newsletter, and helped create a video testimony series on YouTube with over 30 videos. In addition they sponsored ongoing trainings like PIT, ST1, Guts, Shadow Work, and supported 2 NWTA’s.