Darrin D. Gray

White Stallion Indiana, USA “To help others reach their ultimate potential” Darrin has a unique window into the NFL by virtue of his day-to-day involvement with All Pro Dad, the national fatherhood program founded by Tony Dungy. He develops innovative strategies to...

Michael Erickson

Eagle Soaring with Silver Feathers Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada First honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Centre “My goal is to facilitate missions into action–real action.” About two years ago I began by becoming the...

Ray Parrella

Joyful Bird Kentucky, USA “My mission is to create a peaceful world by sharing love with those around me.” Ray has a passion for working with young adults, ages 10-16 at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky. He takes these kids to the...

Carlos J. Legaspy

Sea Lion San Diego, USA ”I create a world of abundance by listening, sharing and teaching.” Carlos has worked in Mexico to build an MKP community there. He has participated in a PIT intensive, led 2 circles of men and witnessed the launching of 3 I-groups in...

Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala

Unconditional Loving Falcon Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada “To create a world full of peace, freedom and awareness by serving others through unconditional love.” Kevin’s message of peace, love and compassion has reached over 100,000 people across the Midwest through...