Ned Helme

Trusting Great Bear Greater Washington, USA “Through knowledge, power and persistence I foster coalitions for the global good.” Ned played an instrumental role in the development and passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990, which established the...

David Yarrow

Dancing Dragonfly Kansas City, USA “To restore the earth by renewing the minerals and trace elements in soil so that all life can flourish again.” David Yarrow’s work in creating a sustainable planet producing non-GMO and chemical free food is recognized...

Ashanti Branch

King Salmon Northern California USA “I create a world of freedom by teaching youth to break their chains.” Ashanti is a multi-faceted man. He has created rites of passage programs to support youth. “The Ever Forward Club” in the San Francisco bay area has...

Tom Houle

Night Eagle New Jersey, USA “I create a joyful, abundant world, by serving from my heart.” Tom is a full-time volunteer, spending the majority of his day volunteering with three organizations. He is the Parish Coordinator and Property Manager for his...

Larry Anmuth

Golden Eagle Greater Carolinas, USA “Create a world of integrity, I model integrity.”  Larry’s work and passion is to bring the message of the possibility of inner peace to veterans and prison populations of North Carolina. Before moving to...