Charles Maclean

Worthy Engaged Ibex Northwest, USA “To ignite passion for conscious community give-back.” Charles’s life-long passion was “championing” (his word) philanthropy in individuals and organizations. His credo: “It is through giving and receiving that...

Ipswa Mescackanis

Grandpa Coyote Northwest USA “As a grandfather among grandfathers, I co-create alternative consciousness by living courageousness and inspiring others.”   Ipswa embodies the principles and teachings of the ancestral lineage both Cree Nēhilawē and Gaelic Ri AlbuiArd...

Gary Waldron

Grey Wolf Northwest USA “I create healing, grace-filled community by being present and compassionate.” Gary lives in an intentional community that provides transitional housing and mentoring for homeless, immigrants, and men who have been released from prison after...