Daniel Perry

UK & Ireland     Daniel Perry “I create a world of peace and harmony by overcoming my fears, loving unconditionally and sharing my passions.” Daniel Perry has been involved with MKP since 2021. He came into MKP through various outward-facing projects...
Royston John

Royston John

Conscious Lion UK & IRELAND • London     Royston John “I create a world of people who love each other and care for tomorrow’s children, by sharing my love and abundant joy with humanity.” Royston John is a man living his mission out there in the...
Rod Boothroyd

Rod Boothroyd

Gliding Blue Heron MKP UK & Ireland Rod Boothroyd “To promote reconciliation by facilitating healing circles in which people can bring their shadow into the light and so grow into emotional maturity.” Rod leads both men-only and mixed-gender groups, the latter run...

David Drysdale

Ox UK Ireland “I create a world of balanced, joyful community by nurturing and gifting the love and magic in my heart.” David Drysdale (July 22, 1965 – July 4, 2016) was a much-loved social entrepreneur who founded Fathers Network Scotland (FNS) in 2008 to...

Steve Baker

Steadfast Bear UK & Ireland “By living in a state of gratitude and acknowledging all that my life adventure has given me, I offer support to others to find their own truth and wisdom and walk their own path.” Over the past 20 years, Steve has to help transform...