Standing Lion
Kentucky, USA
Tim Kelty
“I create vibrant community through song, story, music and dance.”
In the last 23 years Tim has worked as an actor in educational theater performing in shows for young audiences in 20 states. Some of the topics of these shows have been violence prevention, recycling, living with an addicted family member,dealing with harassment/bullying and how to make friends. In the last 10 years he worked as an artist in residence through “Arts Reach,” a service pairing artists with community centers and Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs to provide dancing and acting lessons to children that would not otherwise have access to such experiences. For the last three years he has provided dance instruction at the “La Casita” fundraiser, a local non-profit agency which
supports Hispanic women and children who are in need. He also recently created a Latin Dance class for the LGBT Community, a first in Louisville.