UK & Ireland

Titus Alexander

2023, Ron Hering Awards

“To work with the wisdom of the world to inspire myself and others to create positive change with love, joy and laughter.”

Titus aims to empower people to make a difference through education and support for effective citizenship, community action and practical politics, prioritising people with least power. 

At 72 Titus is active through the UK Democracy Network and the American Political Science Association (APSA), making the case for political literacy as a core skill for all citizens through a briefing on 12 reasons why universities should teach nonpartisan practical politics using a book “Practical Politics: Lessons in Power and Democracy.” His work has been endorsed by leading educators and senior politicians across the political spectrum.

Titus is a stealth campaigner, supporting many people make a difference at a local, national and international level. He has also worked on campaigns for an equitable approach to global climate change, influencing delegates at successive Conferences of the Parties since the first in 1975. He connects the grassroots with the corridors of power, so that his campaigns are rooted in a diversity of experience while influencing people in power.

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