Soaring Sea Turtle
USA • Santa Barbara

Tom Beisanz

2016, Ron Hering Awards

“I answer my calling to Wholeness, Truth, Love and Service, and trust moment by moment how the Universe unfolds, better than I can imagine.”

Tom Beisanz became MisterNumbers at age 62 and is passionate about kids playing with number patterns. Quoting Tom:  “I see so many kids struggle with math, which keeps them from excelling and being their best selves! I want to provide a solution that can help millions of children worldwide!” The MisterNumbers unique approach involves both visual and kinesthetic learning.  “When kids play with the numbers using my approach, they get familiar with math, see that it works, and find that it’s not so scary.” Tom’s YouTube channel, “Mister Numbers”, has over 2.5 million views of his videos and has over 9,000 subscribers. He does tutoring, teaching, volunteering at Girls Inc, and in-service trainings for teachers. Last year he co-created Pi Day in Santa Barbara, attended by about 400 kids. Tom is active in MKP, his wife in Woman Within. He is a Grandpa of five.


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