the hands of menTwenty-five years ago, three men with seemingly little in common; an educator, a counselor, and an engineer, got together around a kitchen table and hatched an idea that has since brought healing, personal growth, community, life purpose and empowerment to nearly 45,000 men around the world. What they first called “the Wild Man Weekend”  is now considered by many to be the most powerful and safe men’s initiation training available, the New Warrior Training Adventure. What these men scarcely imagined was that the vision they held would become a movement of men that would cross continents and oceans, inspiring men to embrace a new kind of manhood – a mature masculinity for the 21st century. The ManKind Project is now represented by eight geographical regions around the world – each with hundreds or thousands of men actively engaged in helping to redefine masculinity for our time. The ManKind Project USA is one of those regions.

We call a man that has crossed the threshold of modern initiation a New Warrior. He does not exist in isolation. The New Warrior is a man with community, with connection and support, a man who is willing to face what needs to be faced in order to create a positive impact on the world he inhabits.

The ManKind Project holds a vision of a world of emotionally intelligent men, a diverse brotherhood of men working together and working with women and partners to heal, to empower, and to create sustainable solutions to problems; personal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural.

If you are strongly committed to your own mental, physical and emotional well-being, consider joining this movement. If you are hungry for personal integrity, accountability and emotional responsibility, if you are looking to break out of the box of toxic masculinity and live a life consistent with time honored values, if you are ready to give powerfully and live a life free from isolation, the ManKind Project has a seat open for you in a circle of men.

Our men’s groups, called iGroups, are similar to, yet distinctly different than, other men’s groups that you may have experienced. What’s the difference? It’s impossible to define, but we think you’ll know it when you experience it.  If you want to be the man you always wished you had become, now is the time to begin. We believe that you can’t do it alone. No book or workshop done in isolation will break the pattern of disconnected manhood and emotional scarring that has crippled our culture. The ManKind Project USA is your entrance to a global community of men. See our main website for more information, and welcome.

What we offer is a unique, time tested, ever-evolving and powerful way to find your place in the world as a man and live a life that models the best you have to offer. The world needs great men, men willing to mentor and support each other. We all start right where we are – and our vision is infinite.

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