Kalani Creutzburg

Kalani Creutzburg

Loving White Dove USA • San Diego  Kalani Creutzburg “I co-create a better world by loving myself and others.” Kalani has addressed a need to help homeless veterans as well as the need to save homeless dogs from being euthanized. He created a 501 (c)3 non profit...

William (Bill) McMillan

Compassionate Cougar Northwest, USA ”I create connection and community through compassion and service.” We particularly honor Bill for his outstanding inspiration in creating, sustaining and holding the Welcome Home Project for veterans in collaboration with his wife...

Steve Jahncke

Courageous Buffalo New Orleans, USA ”I create a world of love and acceptance by, first, loving and accepting myself and others. By sharing my story of childhood sexual abuse and sexual addiction, I help other men talk about their wounds, thus, creating healing.” Steve...

Stephen Balkam

Armadillo with Wings Greater Washington, DC Community, USA “I create an enlightened world through love, passion, service and fun. ” Stephen leads an international effort to make the online world safer for kids and their families. He convenes and facilitates the...

Rolf Jehring

Wakeful Buzzard Germany (Deutschland) ”I am creating a world full of love to be regardful with others and myself.” Along with his wife Catharina, Rolf has set up a Seminar Retreat called Square of Peace. The site dedicated to hold seminars, spiritual retreats as well...

Robert Schauerhamer

King Cheetah Minnesota, USA ”My mission is to create peace by embracing change and diversity.” Bob has served many years at the Twin Cities Men’s Center holding jobs as Board Member, Board Chair and Executive Director, created a support group for healthy sexually...