
your passion on a life-changing adventure


your healthy power as a 21st century man


your life’s purpose and the gifts you have to offer


in a brotherhood of conscious men


your greatest potential as a man. Become a better father, partner, husband, brother.


beliefs and patterns that are holding you back


 to community in a brotherhood of men

Why we exist

Men's work is about supporting and challenging men to break from internalized beliefs, wounding, and cultural norms that hold us back from being the best versions of ourselves. Hurt people hurt people. We believe that emotionally mature, powerful, compassionate, and purpose-driven men will help heal some of our society's deepest wounds. Healed men help communities. We support the powerful brilliance of men and we are willing to look at, and take full responsibility for, the pain we are also capable of creating - and suffering. We care deeply about men, our families, communities, and the planet.

What is MKP

The ManKind Project is men's community for the 21st Century. MKP is a nonprofit training and education organization with three decades of proven success hosting life-changing experiential personal development programs for men. MKP supports a global network of free peer-facilitated men's groups and supports men in leading lives of integrity, authenticity, and service.

Get In Touch!


Described by thousands of men as the most powerful personal growth opportunity they have ever experienced. Take a risk and get more of what you want from manhood. Are you ready for an adventure?


Are you ready to break out of isolation and have what the most successful men in the world have? Get support to manifest your purpose in the world. Transform your challenges into fuel for your growth.

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Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Chile, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Spain, South Africa, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Men's Groups

Free Confidential Peer Facilitated Support Groups for Men. Men's Groups, Men mentoring men through all the passages of their lives.


Modern Initiation into Healthy Manhood, Leadership, Peer Facilitation, Intercultural Competency, Relationships, Communication, Purpose, and more.

New Warriors

Over 70,000 men have taken the journey. The New Warrior Training Adventure - a transformational personal growth experience like no other. Trusted and recommended for over 30 years.

Men's Work News

We Need a Purpose Revolution – Power of Purpose 2014

We Need a Purpose Revolution – Power of Purpose 2014

Time for a Purpose Revolution: ManKind Project USA Launches 2014 Power of Purpose Summit Experts and thought leaders from across a spectrum of disciplines are together in the powerful recognition that we must join together in individual and shared purpose to make a...

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MKP USA Chairman Robert Powell – Checking In

MKP USA Chairman Robert Powell – Checking In

I’ve been in the Chair a month now and it’s time for me to check in with you.  It may not be possible to sit in circle with you, look you in the eye, and establish that Brother to Brother contact that is the essence of our work.  And, yet, I hope that you will choose...

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What does Greatness ask of you? MKP USA RAGBRAI Cycling

What does Greatness ask of you? MKP USA RAGBRAI Cycling

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: How will you change the world? National Men’s Nonprofit Organization brings over 40 riders to RAGBRAI XLI, and they’re asking what we’re committed to do to make a difference. The ManKind Project USA (MKP USA) and Vets Journey Home are bringing...

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Open Men’s Group in Newtown, CT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Robert Werme, M.Div. and Jody Grose Present A Circle of Men Newtown, CT – Two local men with years of experience in facilitating men’s groups will present A Circle of Men, taking place at Sticks and Stones Farm, at 197 Huntington Road in Newtown...

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Men like us ...

Make a powerful commitment to our personal development.
Take risks and push our limits to continue evolving.
Are 100% responsible for our choices and emotions.
Go beyond narrow stereotypes of manhood.
Work to better ourselves, our communities and our planet.
Connect, support and challenge other men to be the best men we can be.

Are you like us? Come find out.

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