Darrin D. Gray

White Stallion Indiana, USA “To help others reach their ultimate potential” Darrin has a unique window into the NFL by virtue of his day-to-day involvement with All Pro Dad, the national fatherhood program founded by Tony Dungy. He develops innovative strategies to...

Michael Erickson

Eagle Soaring with Silver Feathers Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada First honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Centre “My goal is to facilitate missions into action–real action.” About two years ago I began by becoming the...

Ray Parrella

Joyful Bird Kentucky, USA “My mission is to create a peaceful world by sharing love with those around me.” Ray has a passion for working with young adults, ages 10-16 at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky. He takes these kids to the...

Carlos J. Legaspy

Sea Lion San Diego, USA ”I create a world of abundance by listening, sharing and teaching.” Carlos has worked in Mexico to build an MKP community there. He has participated in a PIT intensive, led 2 circles of men and witnessed the launching of 3 I-groups in...

Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala

Unconditional Loving Falcon Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada “To create a world full of peace, freedom and awareness by serving others through unconditional love.” Kevin’s message of peace, love and compassion has reached over 100,000 people across the Midwest through...

Ron Goldman

Wild Dog New England, USA ”I create a more peaceful and loving world by raising awareness about the unrecognized pain and harm experienced by children due to specific American cultural beliefs and practices.” Ron’s work includes articles, two books for the...