Robert J Berger

Peaceful Spotted Wolf with Soaring Eagle Central Plains, USA “To create a safe and joyful world by helping men, women and children see the brilliance in their souls by blessing and honoring their gold.” Bob has been in an ongoing relationship with the...

Dick Granoff

Playful Lion Los Angeles, USA “I cultivate inner peace within myself and others by watering the seeds of love, compassion, joy and gratitude that are in us all.” Since retiring in 2006, Dick has touched the lives of others via a variety of volunteer...

Dennis Shackley

True Cheetah Arizona, USA “To create a world where all people are conscious,empowered, and blessed by being present each and every moment of my life.” Dennis Shackley has worked with hospice for three years, helping people in the final stage of their...

Volker Ellspermann

‘weißer Büffel Deutschsprachige Europa “’Ich erschaffe eine Welt aus Liebe und Wohlstand indem ich mich für schwache einsetze.”   Ich fördere und unterstütze andere. Zum Beispiel durch Mentorship in MKP und im privaten Umfeld, Königsinitiation und Hohe...

Shannon Lee Wyman Kenevan

Dragonfly with Playful Cub and F*cking Amazing Little Ant Wisconsin USA “By creating safe space, I elevate people and transform communities.”   Shannon helped develop the Appleton (WI) “Voices of Men” project, working to end domestic violence and sexual assault by...

Don Weseman

Dancing Heron St Louis USA “I empower loving by loving and empowering.”   Don is an experienced Social Worker, specializing in working with men with a history of violent behavior, battering or domestic violence, and other anger issues. Don is active in the St Louis...