Bill Newberry
Majestic Buffalo
USA • Mid America North
Bill Newberry
“Speaking MY Truth, I create Safety and Healing.”
Bill works as a Chemical Dependency Counselor with a specialty in Men’s Sexual Trauma that leads to addictions and mental health problems. He has worked with men and women. He has worked in a prison with men who have been sexually and physically abused. He spent 2 years working at the Grafton Correctional Institution Reintegration Center in a Therapeutic Community named “Stepping Stones.” This is a 12-18 month treatment program where incarcerated men live together in a dorm and participate in group therapy for 8-10 hours per day 5 days a week. He worked with men who have been sexually and physically abused. This is where Bill found that talking about his being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse formed his mission. He continues to work in his job as Chemical Dependency Counselor to help and connect with people with sexual trauma. Bill is looking to start a prison program in Ohio similar to Jericho Circle Project.
Jean-Guy Houle
Loup Courageux (Courageous Wolf)
Canada East
Jean-Guy Houle
“I create a confident world by letting people make their own choices”
Involved in his community for more than 30 years, both in the sports field and at the social level. 12 years ago, he was the founding president of Challenge 255 (, which has since become the major event, with more than 50,000 visitors last year. It generates tens of thousands of dollars, which are reinvested in the well-being of the municipality of Baie-du-Fevbre, through the nonprofit Récréo-Jeunesse groups, a program to develop and implement infrastructure (equipment, buildings and facilities) for recreation, sports and other activities for young people and financially assist all non-profit organizations in the community carrying out recreational activities and cultural activities aimed at increasing the quality of life of the population in the Nicolet-Yamaska RCM. He is also Sentinel to the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS)
Michael Broas
Gentle Dragon
USA • Florida
Michael Broas
“To create a world of open hearts and deep connection.”
As the primary counselor at the Florida School of Massage, Michael has been a mentor, friend and inspiration to hundreds of students completing their massage therapy program. He also offers an elective for men, introducing principles of men’s work. As a Vietnam combat veteran, Michael has been an inspiration, offering talks at the local VA hospital, and institutions in the Gainesville area. He helps people understand the wounding that happens to our young men and women in service to our country. He has returned to Vietnam 6 times, using his skills as a bodyworker, spending time with many children and adults that have been ravaged by the effects of Agent Orange, a defoliant that the U.S. used in the war. He has also had the privilege to work on some of the North Vietnamese army veterans, his former enemy. These connections have been instrumental in his own healing process.
Corey Wrenn
Golden Badger
USA • Central Plains
Corey Wrenn
“My mission is to create a world of love and acceptance by leading from my heart.”
For 10 years Corey served on the board of the Siouxland Community Health Center, the last 5 as Board Chair. While on the board, he spearheaded the building of a $13 million dollar facility, including the only HIV unit in western Iowa. The health center serves the neediest and the newest members of the community. Currently he serves as Chairman of the board at Sunrise Retirement Community, where they recently built a new $10m Nursing home. He’s also the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Siouxland Foundation. Corey believes the measure of a society is how we care for those who cannot care for themselves. By leading from my heart, he feels he can really make a difference for people. By working with large organizations, he leverages his talents to change the world one person at a time.
Chuck Daube
Wild Mustang
USA • Mid America
Chuck Daube
“To create a world that celebrates diversity by honoring and nurturing all the children.”
Chuck has worked at the Indiana School for the Deaf for over 45 years supporting diversity on campus and in the community as well providing live access to live theatrical and musical events through American Sign Language. He has also coached the Champion Indiana School for the Deaf Academic Bowl Team. Chuck has interpreted over 250 plays (including Shakespeare and Broadway musicals) and concerts (including the Indianapolis Children’s Choir, and Indianapolis Men’s Chorus). Chuck has also volunteered on the Indiana Suicide Prevention Hotline and the Damien Center Buddy Program providing emotional and educational support to people with AIDS and their families.
Dave Klaus
King Bee, Fire-Tender
USA • Northern California
Dave Klaus
“I heal the world by making safe space for inclusive and generative conversation.”
Dave has served as a public defender in Alameda County for 21 years, representing poor people accused of serious crimes. He speaks often about emotional resilience and secondary trauma in the profession, and coaches and mentors lawyers dealing with burn-out and anxiety. As a Hollow Bones Zen priest, an MKP LIT, a blog writer and poet, and Burning Man community leader, Dave truly lives a life of mission and service. He has been married for 20 years and has two thriving teenagers, and he has been appointed the Interim Executive Director for the newly launched Boys to Men/Girls to Women Bay Area organization.