Ian Solomon

Lion Running Free South Africa ”I co-create a vibrant, passionate and conscious world, by growing my own awareness, working with ritual and the flow of life and by being connected.” Ian Solomon initiated the TSiBA University (Tertiary School in Business...

John Baczynski

Medicine Spirit Wolf Philadelphia, USA ”I create a world of Absolute Beauty, by living in the power of my opened heart.” I’ve been helping my local homeless community since 2003 when I first discovered a small tent community near my home in Levittown, PA while...

Jim Parker

White Stallion Northwest, USA ” I live a life of contribution measured simply by what I do and ultimately what I give.” Jim Parker is a courageous, committed, compassionate healer, and hundreds of his neighbors consistently follow his leadership into...

Carl E. Adkins

Free Eagle North Texas, USA ”I create a sunshine and peace filled world by fully accepting myself and those around me.” Traveled to rural Peru with plastic surgeons to provide anesthesia for repair of pediatric cleft lip and palate. Also collected stuffed animals to...

Frank Paolotto

Radiant Phoenix Eagle Greater Washington, USA ”With love and strength, I co-create a world that encourages and protects the dreams and visions of youth.” Frank helped start Boys-to-Men Greater Washington and mentored other BTM centers on the East Coast. He has also...