Stergios Skatharoudis

Red Tail Hawk Upstate New York USA “To lead & live a life which raises the spiritual consciousness of humanity by thinking and behaving in ways that exemplify faith, compassion, courage, and loyalty. As a man among men I serve the light.”   Empowering the poor and...

Jason Schroeder

White Fox United Kingdom & Ireland “As a man amongst men I heal my wounds and let them go. I create a world in every moment of freedom by being present in my open loving heart consciousness”   Jason is living his mission through action in the world by creating the...

Carl Schaub

Lion – speaks softly with great voice Florida USA “I create a world of safety and opportunity for myself and my daughter by enthusiastically embracing the changes in my life and by sharing the beauty of the world of the intellectually disadvantaged with all.”  ...

Brian Renard

Playful Lion New England USA “I create a loving world by opening my heart, being authentic and being of service.”   Brian had a personal history in an abusive relationship, and in evaluating his mission he had a vision of coordinating a march to draw attention to the...

David Piazza

Chestnut Mare with Tiger on Back San Diego USA “I create a world of transformation by having the courage to stand in my truth.”   David’s life has been characterized by transformation. As a young teenager David helped his friends transform their lives in order...