by donhuff | Jun 6, 2018 | 2016, Ron Hering Awards
Loving Silver Fox USA • Colorado “I create a world where all people give to others by mentoring and teaching.” Mel Claytor has spent over 3 decades supporting and empowering men and women. Through his work as a Dale Carnegie Instructor, with Marked Men for Christ, the...
by donhuff | Jun 6, 2018 | 2016, Ron Hering Awards
Hunting Jaguar USA • South East “I create a world of unparalleled safety and freedom. By connecting with others and modeling emotional and spiritual growth.” Ryan Gatlin has lead his I-Group to take their synergy, love and knowledge and work with men in their local...
by donhuff | Jun 6, 2018 | 2016, Ron Hering Awards
Swallow USA • Upstate New York “To lessen the suffering in the world by contributing as little as possible to the suffering of the world by living my life with gratitude, compassion, and clarity.” In 1963, Bill Glasner walked in Martin Luther King’s March On DC for...
by donhuff | Jun 6, 2018 | 2016, Ron Hering Awards
Courageous Jaguar USA • South Central Area “I create a world of love, compassion and safety by modeling, unconditionally, love and respect for himself and for those in his life.” For the past three years David has been teaching/facilitating domestic violence...
by donhuff | Jun 6, 2018 | 2016, Ron Hering Awards
Timberwolf USA • Northwest “I create harmony on earth by respecting all beings.” A retired soil scientist, Gray Henderson volunteers in many ways in his recently adopted community of Sandpoint, Idaho. As a board member and past president of the Bonner County Gardeners...