Raymond Desaulniers

Cardinal Est. Canada East “I create a nurturing, inclusive and warmth world by touching the entrepreneur’s heart and by creating, with them, the business oftheir dream.” Business Coach for the past ten years, Raymond contributed to create over 500 jobs. Over the...

Laurent Sirois

Aigle Volant/Flying Eagle Canada East ”To help human beings to be more connected to their authentic self and their integrity.” “Aider les êtres humains à être plus connecté avec leur moi authentique et leur intégrité.” His work around emotional freedom...

Patrick Mathieu

Phoenix Canada East “I create a world of choice and passion by living my life with choice and passion – everyday!”   Patrick helps people choose and live the lives they want. Currently he trains and certifies people as life coaches, and produce a weekly podcast...

Paul Kushner

Dragonfly Canada East “I create a world of loving kindness through acts of humility and by partnering with G-D” Paul is a 2014 Ron Hering recipient from Canada East. Paul has been honored by his community because he fully integrates mission into every aspect and...

Jean-François Picard

Puma Canada East “I create a world of authentic opportunity by my inspiring leadership. ” Around 2008, Jean-François and his wife decided to become a foster family for abandoned kids. They adopted two children –  a 6 year old, and a few years later, an 18 month old....