Ron Goldman

Wild Dog New England, USA ”I create a more peaceful and loving world by raising awareness about the unrecognized pain and harm experienced by children due to specific American cultural beliefs and practices.” Ron’s work includes articles, two books for the...

Bravehearts I-Group

Bravehearts I-Group New England, USA “Through diverse missions of service we co-create a thriving community by giving back with random acts of kindness.” The Bravehearts I-Group lives its mission of service one give-away at a time. They commit to one...

Larry Cotton

Wolf Dog New England USA “I build bridges from heart to heart through compassionate presence.” Larry Cotton, COO of Jericho Circle Project, brings humility, perseverance, and authenticity to weekly circles and weekend Intensives inside prison. His presence has...

Brian Renard

Playful Lion New England USA “I create a loving world by opening my heart, being authentic and being of service.”   Brian had a personal history in an abusive relationship, and in evaluating his mission he had a vision of coordinating a march to draw attention to the...