Dennis Ponczkowski

Glorious Falcon Upstate New York, USA “My mission is that peace be found in all relations.” Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for several local organizations, LifeResults and Sanctuary at Crowfield Farm....

Jeff Fitts

Runnin’ Turtle Upstate New York USA “I help boys and girls grow into powerful men and women by creating emotionally healthy families.” Jeff Fitts was a founding member of Boys To Men of Upstate New York.  Active from 2005–2010, he served as Administrator, Registrar,...

Stergios Skatharoudis

Red Tail Hawk Upstate New York USA “To lead & live a life which raises the spiritual consciousness of humanity by thinking and behaving in ways that exemplify faith, compassion, courage, and loyalty. As a man among men I serve the light.”   Empowering the poor and...